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Key to Azolla
1 Fronds regularly 2 (-3)-pinnate, generally equilaterally triangular in outline; megasporangia with 9 floats on exospore; microsporangial massulae with few simple or irregularly branched silklike hairs; lateral branches as many as fronds; [section Rhizosperma] | |
2 Largest hairs on the upper leaf surfaces 2-3-celled; plants usually 0.5-1.5 cm long, either primarily pinnate or primarily pseudodichotomous (see below); megaspores lacking raised hexagonal markings/angular bumps, but sometimes pitted. | |
3 Plants usually 0.5-1 cm long, the stems pseudodichotomously branched nearly throughout; megaspores (which are rarely present) not pitted, densely and uniformly covered with tangled filaments (use 100× magnification); leaves not or only slightly imbricate, the upper lobes usually 0.5-0.6 mm long | |
3 Plants usually 1-1.5 cm long, the stems more or less pinnately branched (with a central axis), pseudodichotomously branched only at outer periphery or frond; megaspores (which are rarely present) pitted, sparsely covered with a few long filaments (use 100× magnification); leaves slightly to greatly imbricate, the upper lobes usually > 0.7 mm long |