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Key to Athyrium

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1 Rhizomes short-creeping to ascending; leaves variegated, silvery gray and gray-green; [exotic, rarely persisting or naturalizing]
1 Rhizomes erect; leaves not variegated, bright green; [native and widespread, sometimes cultivated].
  2 Leaf blade widest near middle (the fourth or fifth pair of pinnae from the base the largest); margins of indusium toothed or ciliate (not glandular); rachis glandular; spores yellow or brown, finely papillose; petiole scales persistent, up to 1 cm long and 1.5 mm wide
  2 Leaf blade widest near base (the second or third pair of pinnae from the base the largest); margins of indusium ciliate and glandular-ciliate; rachis eglandular; spores brown or dark brown, reticulate-wrinkled; petiole scales early deciduous, up to 5 mm long and 1 mm wide