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Key to Fothergilla

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1 Leaf blades 3.6-13.0 cm wide, at least some on a branch > 5.2 cm wide; leaf bases V-cordate to V-rounded (the lowermost secondary veins forming a V shape in an otherwise larger cordate or rounded base); stamens 14-32, the filaments 7.3-16.2 mm long; [inland provinces, NC and TN south to c. and w. SC, n. GA, and ne. AL; disjunct in nw. AR]
1 Leaf blades 1.0-6.2 cm wide; leaf base cordate, rounded, truncate, to cuneate, but not V-cordate; stamens 10-24, the filaments 3.6-13.8 mm long; [Coastal Plain, NC to FL Panhandle and s. AL].
  2 Leaf bases cordate; width of blade from the lowermost secondary vein to margin > 0.5× as wide as the distance along the midvein from the lowermost to the next lowermost secondary vein; leaves borne in a drooping posture; petioles 4.4-17.8 mm long
  2 Leaf bases rounded, truncate, or cuneate (rarely shallowly cordate); width of blade from the lowermost secondary vein to the margin < 0.5× as wide as distance along the midvein from the lowermost to the next lowermost secondary vein; leaves borne in a spreading to erect-ascending posture; petioles 2.6-10.5 mm long.
    3 Leaf blades ovate or broadly elliptic (broadest at or below the midpoint); leaves borne in a spreading posture; [Coastal Plain from e. GA northwards to NC]
    3 Leaf blades obovate (broadest above the midpoint); leaves borne in an erect-ascending posture; [Coastal Plain from w. GA westwards to FL Panhandle and s. AL]