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Key to Desmanthus

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1 Shrub or suffrutescent herb (woody below), erect, single-stemmed or branched from the base; legumes 46-100 mm long, straight or nearly so; [of s. FL].
1 Perennial herbs, prostrate, decumbent, ascending, or erect, with numerous stems from the base; legumes 15-82 mm long, straight to strongly falcate; [collectively widespread].
  2 Leaflets with raised reticulate venation on the lower surface; [of TX].
    3 Fruiting peduncles 2-6.2 cm long; fruits dark brown at maturity with only slightly raised reticulate venation on the valves, apically obtuse; leaflets abaxially pubescent; sterile flowers present at the base of the inflorescence
    3 Fruiting peduncles 7-14 cm long; fruits light brown at maturity with conspicuous raised reticulate venation on the valves, apically acute; leaflets abaxially glabrous or glaucous; sterile flowers absent
  2 Leaflets with venation obscure on the lower surface, except the midvein; [collectively widespread].
      4 Young stems velutinous with spreading white hairs of variable lengths, on the ridges and between them (though less densely than on the ridges)
      4 Young stems glabrous to sparsely pubescent, only on the ridges of the stem.
        5 Pinna pairs (5-) 7-18 per leaf; stamens 5; legume 15-25 (-32) mm long, 4.5-7.0 mm wide, 3-4× as long as wide, strongly curved; [widespread]
        5 Pinna pairs 1-7 (-9) per leaf; stamens 5 or 10; legume 22-82 mm long, 2.5-4.5 mm wide, 8-25× as long as wide, straight to slightly curved.
          6 Pinna pairs 4-7 (-9) per leaf; stamens 5; legume 40-74 mm long, 2.5-3.0 mm wide, > 18× as long as wide
          6 Pinna pairs 1-5 per leaf; stamens 10; legume 27-82 mm long, 2.5-4.5 mm wide, 8-20× as long as wide.
             7 Nectary between lowest pair of pinnae 0.3-1.0 (-1.2) mm in diameter; legumes dehiscent along both sutures but not curling longitudinally and the inner surface of each valve therefore remaining concave; taproot brown, cylindrical (to 50 cm long × 2 cm in diameter)
             7 Nectary between lowest pair of pinnae 0.8-3.0 mm in diameter; legumes dehiscent along both sutures, the sutural ridges curling longitudinally over the valves after dehiscence and causing the inner surface of each valve to be slightly convex; taproot red, napiform (turnip-like) (to 40 cm long × 2.5 cm in diameter at the thickest point)
               8 Leaflet pairs 7-12 per pinna; pinna pairs 2-4 per leaf; flowering/fruiting heads on peduncles 6-20 mm long; nectary between lowest pair of pinnae 0.8-2.0 mm in diameter.
               8 Leaflet pairs 19-38 per pinna; pinna pairs 1-2 per leaf; flowering/fruiting heads sessile or on peduncles to 5 mm long; nectary between lowest pair of pinnae 1.4-3.0 mm in diameter
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