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1 Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate. |
2 Stem pubescence simple, pilose and spreading |
2 Stem pubescence of T-shaped (medifixed) hairs, white, appressed |
1 Leaves odd- pinnately compound, with 5+ leaflets. |
3 Leaflets borne alternately or irregularly on the rachis; prostrate or ascending herbs. |
4 Stipules subulate, < 1.5 mm wide; legumes divergent to deflexed, spaced on the rachis; flowers 6-10 per inflorescence |
4 Stipules deltate to lanceolate, 2-3 mm wide; legumes deflexed, crowded on the rachis; flowers many per inflorescence. |
5 Staminal tube (3.5-) 4-5 mm long, distinctly exceeding the calyx; leaves with 9-11 leaflets; leaflets 2.5-5× as long as wide; legumes dark brown, sharply deflexed, curving slightly inwards towards the rachis; infructescence 10-23 cm long |
5 Staminal tube 3-3.5 (-5) mm long, about as long as the calyx; leaves with 5-8 leaflets; leaflets 1.2-2.5× as long as wide; legumes tan, deflexed to spreading, straight; infructescence < 10 cm long |
3 Leaflets borne opposite on the rachis; mat-forming or ascending herbs, upright, bushy-branched herbs, or shrubs. |
6 Creeping, decumbent or ascending herbs; leaflets (3) 5-11 per leaf. |
7 Stem pubescence strigose- appressed; leaflets (3-) 5 per leaf. |
7 Stem pubescence hirsute or pilose with long brownish hairs; leaflets 5-11 per leaf. |
8 Hairs of stem glandular; fruits spreading; leaflets (5-) 9-11 per leaf |
8 Hairs of stem non- glandular, brownish; fruits deflexed; leaflets 5-9 per leaf |
6 Erect, bushy-branched suffruticose herbs or shrubs; leaflets (7-) 9-15 per leaf. |
9 Shrub; leaflets 20-75 (-100) mm long; corollas 12-18 mm long, bright pink or bright purple |
9 Herb or suffrutescent herb; corollas 5-9 mm long, cream, rose, tan, yellow, greenish, orange, or purplish. |
10 Legume 15-36 mm long, linear- cylindric, slightly to strongly falcate, dehiscent, with 3-12 or more seeds; corolla 5-6 mm long; [introduced species]. |
11 Legume 15-20 mm long, strongly falcate |
11 Legume 28-36 mm long, slightly falcate |