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Key to Hexastylis
2 Calyx abruptly contracted near the middle, the lower portion narrowly cuplike, abruptly expanded into a much broader upper half; calyx tube with internal raised reticulations; [of AL]. | |
4 Inside of calyx without stripes; pedicels stiff, ascending to erect, thus holding the flowers well above the substrate, but strongly recurved near the base of the (nodding) flower; orifice of the flowers usually nodding and facing the substrate; [native distribution uncertain, probably from Coffee County, AL] | |
4 Inside of calyx with numerous and well defined yellow and maroon stripes oriented toward the center of flower; pedicels lax, causing flowers to rest on substrate or on top of other flowers, not recurved near the base of the flower; orifice of the flowers usually facing laterally to ascending related to the plane of the substrate; [endemic near Montgomery, AL] | |
2 Calyx gradually contracted to a smooth waist just below the calyx lobes; calyx tube smooth internally; calyx lobes spreading or erect; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
6 Plants short-rhizomatous, distinctly clumped, each plant normally with < 10 leaves; leaves usually prominently variegated; mouth of calyx more open; style extensions short; leaves averaging longer than wide (length measured from petiole attachment to apex) | |
6 Plants long-rhizomatous, forming clonal patches, plants often with >10 leaves; leaves solid green or faintly variegated; mouth of calyx tightly constricted; style extensions long; leaves averaging as wide as long | |
7 Calyx tube 13-18 mm long, 6-10 mm wide; calyx lobes 2.5-8 mm long, 3-9 mm wide across the base; [of the Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Mountains of s. VA, NC, SC, GA, and westward through AL and MS to se. LA] | |
7 Calyx tube 20-25 mm long, 10-12 mm wide; calyx lobes 12-20 mm long, 8-15 mm wide across the base; [of the lower Gulf Coastal Plain, of sw. GA, FL Panhandle, s. AL, s. MS, and se. LA] | |
8 Inner surface of calyx lobes puberulent with red hairs or an admixture of red and white hairs; leaves variously clustered at the tip of the upright-ascending rhizome, or somewhat to very scattered (plants thus either clumped or clonal). | |
10 Calyx tube > 30 mm long, relatively thin and especially brittle (in fresh flowers); flower odor often acidic and rancid. | |
11 Leaves clustered at the tip of the rhizome, plants thus in clumps; [of the Mountains and upper Piedmont of NC, SC, and GA] | |
10 Calyx tube < 30 mm long, thicker and less brittle (in fresh flowers); flower odor malodorous, but not acidic and rancid. | |
12 Calyx tube orifice strongly constricted, its diameter < 2/3 the diameter of the broadest point of the calyx tube below (most easily reckoned by making a longitudinal section of the flower). | |
14 Calyx tube broadest at or just above its midpoint; calyx lobes 10-15 mm long; stamen filaments/connectives narrowly conical (strongly and evenly tapering towards the tip), the thecae therefore at a slight angle to one another; interior calyx tube reticulation with strong longitudinal and transverse ridges (forming deep, irregular pits), the reticulation ending abruptly upwards | |
14 Calyx tube broadest below its midpoint; calyx lobes 4-8 mm long; stamen filaments/connectives cylindrical (not strongly tapering towards the tip), the thecae therefore parallel; interior calyx tube reticulation either absent or with weak longitudinal and transverse ridges (forming shallow, sloping depressions), the reticulation smoothing gradually upwards | |
15 Calyx tube rhombic in 2-dimensional outline (the widest point at roughly the midpoint, narrowing towards the base and the apex); [sw. NC and nw. SC] | |
15 Calyx tube nearly isodiametric before being constricted at the orifice, sometimes expanded at a point well above the midpoint or well below the midpoint; [VA, WV, and e. KY south to se. NC, sc. NC, and nw. NC] | |
12 Calyx tube orifice not or only slightly constricted, its diameter > 2/3 the diameter of the broadest point of the calyx tube below. | |
16 Calyx lobes 4-15 mm long, spreading, typically at a 45-90 degree angle (at least in part of their length) from the vertical axis of the flower, often undulate-margined; leaves solid green or variegated. | |
17 Calyx tube greatly flared at the midpoint or higher, the floral orifice only slightly more constricted than the widest portion of the calyx tube; sepal lobes much broader than long; leaves usually strongly to weakly variegated. | |
18 Calyx tube 12-25 mm long; leaves strongly variegated; [widespread in dry to moist upland forests of the Piedmont (and rarely Coastal Plain and low Mountains) of VA, NC, and SC] | |
18 Calyx tube 8-18 mm long; leaves solid green or faintly variegated; [of pocosins, pocosin ecotones, and sandhill seeps in the NC and SC sandhills, usually growing in or near Sphagnum] | |
17 Calyx tube often flared above the middle, the floral orifice of approximately the same width as the unflared portion of the calyx tube; sepal lobes as long as or longer than their width at base; leaves variegated or not. | |
19 Longitudinal and transverse ridges of the calyx tube sculpturing of about equal relief, the transverse ridges anastamosing and often not spanning across parallel transverse ridges, therefore forming irregularly shaped pits; calyx lobes 2-4 mm long, more-or-less erect, much broader than long; leaves usually solid green (rarely variegated) | |
19 Longitudinal ridges of the calyx tube of greater relief than the transverse ridges; calyx lobes 4-15 mm long, spreading, about as broad as long; leaves solid green or variegated. | |
20 Calyx tube > 1 cm long; calyx tube orifice 8-12 mm in diameter; style extensions longer than the width of the stigmatic surfaces; stigmas dorsal and overhanging; leaves usually solid green (sometimes variegated) | |
20 Calyx tube < 1.1 cm long; calyx tube orifice 4-8 mm in diameter; style extensions as long as or shorter than the width of the stigmatic surfaces; stigmas nearly terminal, partly between the style extensions and in notched recesses; leaves usually variegated |