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1 Leaves herbaceous in texture, obovate, > 6 cm wide, acute-acuminate at the apex; flowers (inner petals and outer petals) reddish-maroon; shrubs and trees, 1-15 m tall; [collectively widespread in our area]; [Asimina s.s.]. | |
2 Flowering pedicels 2-7 mm long, the hairs tan to rusty; well-developed leaves (largest leaves on a plant) 6-15 (-22) cm long; sepals 4-7 mm long; outer petals 3-8 (-10) mm long; fruit 1-3 (-6) cm long; plant a non-clonal, clumped shrub 1-2 m (rarely to 5 m) tall; [of the Coastal Plain, but also extending inland into the Piedmont and low Mountains of NC, SC, GA, and AL] | |
2 Flowering pedicels (10-) 15-20 (-25) mm long, the hairs dark reddish-brown; well-developed leaves (largest leaves on a plant) 24-45 cm long; sepals 8-12 mm long; outer petals 15-25 mm long; fruit (3-) 7-15 cm long; plant a clonal tree (with solitary stems) to 15 m tall; [widespread in our area] | |
1 Leaves coriaceous in texture, linear to oval, blunt at the tip (or acute-acuminate); peduncles lacking bracts; flowers reddish-maroon, pale pink, yellow, cream, or white; shrubs to 4.5 m tall; [mainly FL peninsula, north to e. GA, very rarely e. SC, s. AL, and FL Panhandle]; [“Pityothamnus”]. | |
4 Outer petals 2-3.5 cm long at peak anthesis; outer petals cream yellow to reddish purple; [Manatee and Sarasota counties, wc. peninsular FL] | |
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Asimina angustifolia, Brickhill, Cumberland Island, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Camden County, Georgia 1 by Alan Cressler | |
5 Leaves widest at or shortly above the middle, mostly 8-15× as long as wide, widest at the mid-point of the blade or just above; leaf margins revolute; outer petals white; inner petals white (-pink); new growth pubescent, becoming glabrous with age; primary stems erect to ascending, the leaves oriented in many directions | |
5 Leaves widest near the tip, mostly 6-10× as long as wide, widest well beyond the midpoint of the blade; leaf margins slightly revolute; outer petals white or pink; inner petals white, pink, or with red or maroon patches; new growth glabrous or very sparsely pubescent, becoming glabrous with age; primary stems weakly to strongly arching, the leaves upwardly secund | |
7 Newly emergent leaf blades densely tomentose on both surfaces with pale blonde or tan pubescence; mature leaves medium green, the margins flat or nearly so; outer petals white to yellowish, inner petals yellowish with a deep yellow corrugated zone; [of dry pinelands] | |
7 Newly emergent leaf blades densely tomentose on the lower surface with the hairs near the midrib reddish, the upper surface sparsely pubescent; mature leaves pale green or blue-green, glaucous, the margins revolute; outer petals white, inner petals white, yellowish, or pink, with a maroon or purple corrugated zone; [of wet or dry pinelands] | |
8 Flowers axillary along primary stems and/or branches; pubescence sparser and/or tan to rusty red; outer petals 1.5-3 cm long, maroon or pink, with darker longitudinal stripes; inner petals pink or deep maroon, with a deep purple base; shrubs to 30 dm tall. | |
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Asimina pygmea, Withlacoochee State Forest, Citrus County, Florida 2 by Alan Cressler | |
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3 Fruit a hesperidium; petiole flanged or winged for most of its length, constricted at the base of the blade (except linear in C. medica) | |
5 Leaves (fresh) strongly odorous, glandular-punctate (appearing as translucent dots), with strongly parallel venation; bark on medium-aged to mature trees papery and peeling | |
5 Leaves (fresh) not strongly fragrant, with stellate hairs or punctate scales, leaf venation various but not strongly parallel, bark various but not papery | |
4 Leaves glabrous, or if hairy, with strictly simple hairs. | |
7 Flowers solitary, terminal, large (> 5 cm in diameter); pistils many, carpels separate; petals many (typically > 8); leaves mostly > 10 cm long (at least some on a branch longer than 10 cm); fruit an aggregate of follicles, each dehiscing along 1 suture; stipule scar circumferential at each node, encircling the twig | |
7 Flowers either in axillary racemes, panicles, umbels, fascicles, or solitary, or in terminal corymbs, umbels, compound cymes, or racemes, small (< 5 cm in diameter); pistil 1, with 1-8 fused carpels; petals 3-8; leaves < 30 cm long; fruit either a drupe, berry, or capsule; stipule scars either absent or linear or triangular, not circumferentially encircling the twig. | |
8 Inflorescence terminal, a corymb, umbel, compound cyme, or raceme; fruit either a capsule (dehiscing along 5 longitudinal sutures) or a few-seeded berry. | |
9 Inflorescence a corymb, umbel, or raceme; petals white or pink; fruit a capsule, opening by 5 longitudinal sutures. | |
10 Capsules ovoid to globose or subglobose, about as long as broad, 5-8 mm long; leaves 5-12 cm long, 2-3× as long as wide | |
8 Inflorescence axillary, a raceme, panicle, umbel, fascicle, or solitary; fruit drupaceous, fleshy to dry, but not regularly dehiscent along sutures. | |
12 Inflorescence an axillary raceme (with an elongate central axis, to which all flowers/fruits are attached). | |
12 Inflorescence either an axillary umbel or fascicle (or reduced to solitary) or an axillary compound inflorescence (panicle or compound cyme), with 2-3 orders of branching. | |
14 Fruit a fleshy and oily 1-seeded drupe; flowers 3-merous, with separate and undifferentiated perianth segments; fresh plants strongly aromatic; inflorescence compound, a panicle or compound cyme (with 2-3 orders of branching); [Basal Angiosperms] | |
14 Fruit a fleshy but not oily 1-8-seeded drupe or berry; flowers 4-8-merous, with differentiated sepals and petals, the petals usually basally fused; fresh plants not strongly aromatic; inflorescence an axillary umbel or fascicle (or reduced to solitary), a central axis absent or < 1 cm long; [Eudicots]. | |
15 Plants armed with nodal thorns; stamens 5 and staminodia 5, epipetalous; fruit a berry or drupe with 1 seed;flowers 5-merous | |
1 Leaves deciduous. | |
17 Juncture of petiole and leaf blade eglandular, but the uppermost 1-3 mm of the petiole swollen into a prominent upper pulvinus; corolla bilaterally symmetrical, with 5 petals, pink to purple (rarely white in some cultivars); flowers bisexual; fruit an oblong, flat legume, 6-10 cm long; main palmate leaf veins 5-7 (-9) | |
16 Leaf base cuneate, rounded, truncate, subcordate, or auriculate (with 2 small “earlobe-like” lobes at the base of the leaf blade), with 1 (mid) vein from the base (3 veins from the base in Celtis in CANNABACEAE); leaf blade about as wide as long, or somewhat to much longer, 0.9-10× as long as wide. | |
18 Leaves 0.9-1.4× as long as wide (some taxa keyed in both leads). | |
19 Stipule scars circumferential, forming a line around the twig; flowers and aggregate fruits solitary, terminal; [Basal Angiosperms] | |
19 Stipule scars not circumferential (or not apparent); flowers and simple fruits in inflorescences of 1-many flowers, axillary or terminal, but not simultaneously solitary and terminal; [Eudicots]. | |
21 Petioles < 1 cm long; leaves various in shape, often acuminate at the apex and/or cuneate at the base, often with some tendency to toothing; hairs on foliage stellate (use at least 10× magnification), at least in part; fruit either a nut borne in a cup (acorn) or a dry, subglobose 3-valved capsule, with 1 seed. | |
23 Leaves glabrous, glabrescent or variously pubescent (including densely and silkily so, giving the leaf surface a shiny appearance), but not as above. | |
28 Pubescence of the foliage simple or absent (except stellate in STYRACACEAE); flowers bisexual, conspicuous, borne variously, but not in catkins (except in Leitneria); fruit various. | |
31 Flowers solitary; ovary superior; perianth either 3-merous and whorled or many-merous and spiraled; leaves mostly > 20 cm long and > 8 cm wide, distinctly broadest towards the apex (> 0.6× of the way from the leaf blade base to apex) (except Magnolia acuminata, which is sometimes both shorter, narrower, and broadest near the middle or towards the base); [Basal Angiosperms]. | |
32 Flowers terminal, > 4 cm across, white, pale yellow, or pink; perianth many-merous, spiraled; fresh foliage not noticeably aromatic; fruit an aggregate of follicles; leaves cuneate or auriculate at the base; twigs with circumferential stipule scars at each node | |
33 Leaves with prominently parallel-arcing secondary veins; inflorescence a terminal corymb; leaves clustered at the tips of the twigs, thus appearing pseudo-whorled; trichomes of the leaf undersurface predominantly 2-branched (some simple) (use at least 10× magnification); flowers 4-merous; fruit a blue drupe; small tree | |
33 Leaves with secondary veins more obscure and complexly branching into tertiary veins; inflorescence axillary (often on the previous year’s wood), solitary to variously fascicled, clustered, or in racemes; leaves arrayed distichously along horizontal or arching twigs, not prominently clustered or pseudo-whorled (except often in Cyrilla in CYRILLACEAE, Symplocos in SYMPLOCACEAE, and Nyssa in NYSSACEAE); trichomes of the leaf undersurface either simple or stellate (or absent); flowers 4-5-merous; fruit a green, blue, or black drupe, an orange berry, or a green to brownish indehiscent capsule; small to large tree. | |
34 Pubescence of foliage and other parts stellate (use at least 10× magnification); petals 4-5, white, 10-25 mm long; fruit dryish, indehiscent, either longitudinally 2-4-winged or not winged | |
34 Pubescence of foliage and other parts simple; petals either 0, or 4-5 and pink, white, or greenish-yellow, or 10 and greenish-yellow; fruit either a somewhat to very fleshy drupe or berry or a dry, brownish, spherical drupe, 2-2.5 mm in diameter. | |
35 Leaves < 2.5 cm wide, dark green above, somewhat thickened, and tardily deciduous or semi-evergreen; fruit a dry, brownish, spherical drupe, 2-2.5 mm in diameter; inflorescence a narrowly cylindrical raceme with > 40 flowers | |
35 Leaves > 2.5 cm wide, usually medium-green above, herbaceous in texture, promptly seasonally deciduous; fruit a somewhat to very fleshy drupe or berry, > 5 mm in diameter; inflorescence a solitary flower or cluster, head, or irregular raceme of < 15 flowers. | |
36 Fruit a drupe (green when ripe), cylindrical to barrel-shaped, 8-12 mm long; leaves rather thick and leathery in texture, persistent into the winter, dropping tardily or at latest the following spring; flowers bisexual; stamens 30-50, in 5 fascicles | |
37 Fruit a spherical berry, 15-50 mm long, orange when ripe, subtended by the enlarged and persistent woody or leathery calyx; vascular bundles 1 per leaf scar; leaves never toothed; leaves whitish-green beneath; leaf midrib and upper petiole with tiny glands on their upper surfaces (reddish initially, then darkening) (use at least 10× magnification); leaves glabrate to tomentose with curly hairs beneath; female and male flowers on separate trees (dioecious); stamens 16; widest point of the leaf usually at the middle or below, the apex acute to acuminate | |
37 Fruit an ovoid or ellipsoid drupe, 8-30 -40 mm long, blue-black, yellow, orange, or red when ripe; vascular bundles 3 per leaf scar; leaves sometimes bearing a few irregular teeth; leaves pale to medium green beneath; leaf midrib and upper petiole lacking reddish to dark glands on their upper surfaces; leaves glabrous or glabrate beneath; female and male flowers on the same tree (monoecious); stamens 5-12; widest point of the leaf usually beyond or at the middle, the apex obtuse to strikingly and abruptly acuminate |