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Key to Hypericum, Key D: herbaceous St. John's-worts with leaves ascending or appressed, 1-nerved, < 1 mm wide and with a diffuse, racemose or dichasial inflorescence

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1 Perennial herbs; inflorescence with dichasial branching (a compound cyme); plants with basal offshoots with decussate leaves 2-4 mm long and 0.2-0.4 mm wide; [endemic in Florida scrub in Highlands and Polk counties, FL]
1 Annual herbs; inflorescence with monochasial branching (a compound raceme); plants lacking basal offshoots; [collectively widespread].
  2 Leaves linear-subulate, (5-) 8-20 mm long; capsules 1-1.75× as long as the sepals; seeds coarsely rugose-areolate; stamens 10-22
  2 Leaves scale-like, 1-5 mm long; capsules ca. 2-3× as long as the sepals; seeds minutely and inconspicuously reticulate; stamens 5-10