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1 Petals 4 (or 4-5 in A. parviflora), cream-colored, yellow, red; or white (and then lacking a red blaze); buds not glutinous; fruit smooth (or with some prickles in A. glabra var. glabra); leaflets 5 (-7) per leaf; [native]. | |
2 Petals white, unmarked with red; stamens exserted, 2-4× as long as the petals; inflorescence 2-5 dm long; [section Macrothyrsus] | |
2 Petals cream-colored, yellow, or red; stamens included or exserted, 1-2× as long as the petals; inflorescence 1-2.5 dm long; [section Pavia]. | |
7 Calyx and pedicels puberulent; shrub to small tree; petiolules 3-12 mm long; fruits 2-4 cm in diameter |