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Key to Crocanthemum
1 Leaves 1-4 (-7) mm wide, (5-) 7-15× as long as wide; capsules from chasmogamous flowers 2-3 mm long, with 1-3 (-6) seeds; capsules from cleistogamous flowers 1.3-1.7 mm long, with 1 (-2) seeds | |
1 Leaves 2-20 mm wide, 2-6 (-8)× as long as wide; capsules from chasmogamous flowers (2.4-) 3-9 (-10.5) mm long, with 6-92 (-135) seeds; capsules from cleistogamous flowers 1.5-4.2 mm long, with 1-20 seeds. | |
2 Leaves basally disposed, the largest and most prominent leaves in a basal rosette; stem leaves 2-5 below those subtending flowers or fruits; stem with spreading trichomes to 2.5 mm long; lower surface of leaves sparsely pubescent, the surface readily visible; cleistogamous flowers usually never produced; capsules 6-9 (-10.5) mm long, with 80-92 (-135) papillate seeds | |
2 Leaves predominantly cauline (in some species a rosette of closely spaced smaller and caducous leaves present at the ground's surface); stem leaves 5-20 below those subtending flowers or fruits; stem glabrate to densely puberulent (the pubescence not long and spreading); lower surface of leaves densely pubescent, hiding the surface; cleistogamous flowers regularly produced, either intermixed with the chasmogamous or in separate inflorescences; capsules 1.3-7 (-8.5) mm long, with 1-46 papillate, reticulate, or smooth seeds (pebbled to somewhat papillate in H. nashii). | |
4 Inflorescence a terminal umbellate cluster; chasmogamous capsules 3-valved; stems 5-15 (-20) cm tall, decumbent to ascending | |
4 Inflorescence a thyrse, the flowers borne in clusters in the axils of leaves; chasmogamous capsules 2-valved; stems 20-35 (-41) cm tall, ascending to erect | |
5 Chasmogamous flowers usually solitary or 3, terminal or subterminal, later overtopped by lateral branches; seeds papillate, 35-53 per chasmogamous capsule, 5-14 per cleistogamous capsule; chasmogamous capsules 4-7 (-8.5) mm long, cleistogamous capsules (2-) 2.3-4.5 mm long; upper surface of outer sepals with some long simple trichomes mixed with the shorter stellate trichomes; stems usually red, at least in part. | |
5 Chasmogamous flowers usually (1-) 2-18, rarely overtopped by lateral branches (often 1-3 in cymes in H. georgianum); seeds smooth or reticulate, 12-35 per chasmogamous capsule, 1-20 per cleistogamous capsule; chasmogamous capsules (2.4-) 3.5-5.7 mm long, cleistogamous capsules 1.5-4.2 mm long; upper surface of outer sepals with short stellate trichomes only; stems usually green to brown or tan. | |
7 Chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers borne together, the two types of flowers open at the same time (Mar-Jun); seeds smooth, 15-35 per chasmogamous capsule, 4-20 per cleistogamous capsule; outer sepals of the cleistogamous flowers 1.4-3.0 mm long; inner sepals of the cleistogamous flowers 2.0-4.8 mm long; [of the outer Coastal Plain (primarily barrier islands) of NC and SC]. | |
8 Flowers borne in dense many-flowered flat-topped cymes terminating the stem and sometimes also the main branches; capsules of the cleistogamous flowers 1.6-3.8 mm long, with 4-8 (-10) seeds; pedicels and calyx with 0.5-1.5 mm long simple trichomes mixed with the shorter stellate trichomes; outer sepals of both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers with an expanded, obtuse, spatulate tip, 0.3-1.2 mm wide | |
8 Flowers borne in loose 1-7-flowered cymes or racemes at the ends of the main branches; capsules of the cleistogamous flowers 3.0-4.2 mm long, with 12-20 seeds; pedicels and calyx with short stellate pubescence only; outer sepals of both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers linear, 0.2-0.5 mm wide | |
7 Chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers borne in separate inflorescences, the chasmogamous flowers opening earlier (Apr-Jul) than the cleistogamous flowers (Jun-Sep); seeds reticulate, 12-26 per chasmogamous capsule, 1-2 (-3) per cleistogamous capsule; outer sepals of the cleistogamous flowers 0.2-1.2 (-1.8) mm long; inner sepals of the cleistogamous flowers 1.7-2.5 (-3.0) mm long; [of the Mountains and less commonly the Piedmont of NC and VA, and very rarely the Coastal Plain of VA]. | |
9 Stems mostly 20-50 cm tall, clustered, arising from an upright caudex; distinct portion of the outer sepals of the cleistogamous flowers linear, (0.3-) 0.6-1.2 (-1.8) mm long, about 3-5× as long as wide; distinct portion of calyx of the chasmogamous flowers (2.4-) 3.5-4.5 (-8) mm long; cleistogamous capsules sharply 3-angled in cross-section; leaf with broadly cuneate base | |
9 Stems mostly 10-30 cm tall, scattered, arising from horizontal elongate rootstocks; distinct portion of the outer sepals of the cleistogamous flowers rudimentary, knob-like, 0.2-0.5 mm long, 1-2× as long as wide; distinct portion of calyx of the chasmogamous flowers (0.7-) 1.5-3.0 (-4.0) mm long; cleistogamous capsules somewhat rounded in cross-section; leaf with narrowly cuneate to attenuate base |