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Key to Lepidium
2 Upper cauline leaves sagittate or auriculate; basal leaves entire, dentate, or sinuate (1-2-pinnatifid in L. oblongum); petals white or absent. | |
3 Stamens 2; petals absent (or minute); basal leaves 1-2-pinnatifid; [wool-exotic waif, probably not established in our area] | |
3 Stamens 6; petals present; basal leaves entire, dentate, sinuate (rarely 1-pinnatifid); [collectively common and widespread in our area]. | |
4 Plants annual, not rhizomatous; fruits dehiscent, apically broadly winged, notched at the apex; fruiting racemes elongated, much longer than broad | |
4 Plants perennial, rhizomatous; fruits indehiscent, apically not winged, not notched at the apex; fruiting racemes corymbose | |
6 Silicles reniform to ovate-cordate, 2.3-3.4 mm long, strongly ridged, not notched at the apex, indehiscent | |
6 Silicles bilobed, 1.3-1.7 mm long, reticulate, strongly notched at the apex; splitting into two halves | |
5 Valves of the silicles smooth; inflorescences not leaf-opposed. | |
9 Silicles glabrous. | |
14 Basal leaves undivided or to 1-pinnatifid; seeds narrowly winged (marginless in L. africanum); fresh plants not fetid. | |
16 Inflorescence rachis with straight, usually subclavate papillae; silicles widest above the middle | |
16 Inflorescence rachis with minute trichomes, these usually subappressed; silicles widest at or below the middle |