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1 Leaves deeply pinnately lobed, the lobes linear; plant perennial; mature calyx shallowly toothed, obovoid-urceolate, reticulate-veiny; [section Adenois] | |
1 Leaves serrate to sinuate-pinnatifid, the lobes broad-based and triangular-tapered; plant annual; mature calyx deeply lobed, neither reticulate nor prominently veined. | |
2 Flowers either solitary and spaced along the inflorescence axis, or in dense glomerules arranged secondarily into spikes and panicles. | |
3 Flowers solitary, sessile, and spaced along the inflorescence axis; calyx lobes strongly keeled, at maturity with a continuous, horizontal, scarious wing; [section Adenois]. | |
5 Inflorescences leafless (leaves in the inflorescence absent or shorter than the glomerules); primary leaves regularly lobed | |