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Key to Clethra

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1 Leaves oblong or elliptic, averaging 11-13 cm long and 5-7 cm wide; distance up leaf margin from the leaf base to the first tooth avg. 2.4 cm; leaf apex acuminate; inflorescence bracts exceeding the flowers; [of the Mountains]
1 Leaves obovate or oblong, averaging 5-9 cm long and 2-4 cm wide cm wide; distance up leaf margin from the leaf base to the first tooth avg. 3.4 cm; leaf apex obtuse to acute; inflorescence bracts shorter than the flowers; [of the Coastal Plain and rarely lower Piedmont].
  2 Lower leaf surface sparsely hairy; petioles 2.5-3.5 (-6) cm long; styles 6-7 mm long, hairy at the base with straight hairs; filaments 0.2-0.3 (-0.4) mm in diameter
  2 Lower leaf surface woolly-tomentose; petioles 0.5-1 (-1.5) cm long; styles 3.5-5 mm long, downy throughout; filaments 0.4-0.5 (-0.7) mm in diameter