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1 Plant an herb, subshrub, or sprawling shrub, not clonal by underground rhizomes (except Gaultheria procumbens and Epigaea repens), rarely > 3 dm tall; plants mycotrophic or hemi-mycotrophic (except Epigaea, Gaultheria, and Arctostaphylos). | |
2 Plants without chlorophyll (fully mycotrophic); stems fleshy; leaves represented by bract-like scales, white or variously colored, but not green; pollen grains single; [subfamily Monotropoideae; tribe Monotropeae]. | |
![]() Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Hypopitys lanuginosa, Chattahoochee National Forest, Rabun County, Georgia 1 by Alan Cressler | |
2 Plants with chlorophyll (hemi-mycotrophic or autotrophic); stems woody; leaves present and well-developed, green; pollen grains in tetrads (single in Orthilia). | |
6 Style and filaments straight; filaments straight, the anthers closely surrounding the style; inflorescence distinctly secund (1-sided) | |
7 Plant erect, the leaves clustered near the apex of the single stem. | |
8 Leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, normally 2-4× as long as wide (sometimes proportionately less narrow in stunted individuals; fruit a capsule, borne 1-several on an erect scape above the leaves [subfamily Monotropoideae; tribe Pyroleae] | |
7 Plant creeping or sprawling, leaves scattered along the stems. | |
9 Flowers in axillary or terminal spikes or racemes; fruit a fleshy loculicidal capsule or red drupe. | |
1 Plant either a shrub or tree (> 3 dm tall), or a shrub 1-3 dm tall (rarely a woody needle-leaved subshrub 0.5-1 m and definitely and obviously clonal by underground rhizomes; plants not mycotrophic or hemi-mycotrophic. | |
11 Leaves ca. 1 mm wide, 3-12 mm long, appearing opposite, alternate, or whorled (the internodes very short, thus the leaves generally appearing whorled); petals absent; fruit a subglobose, 2-stoned drupe, 1-3 mm in diameter; branches often appearing in whorls of 3-7; [subfamily Ericoideae; tribe Empetreae] | |
15 Petals separate; fruit 2-7-locular; either a shrub to 1 m tall with ovate to oblong, evergreen leaves, 0.6-1.2 cm long, or a shrub to small tree 2-6 (-9) m tall with elliptic, deciduous leaves, 4-12 cm long, or a shrub 1-2.5 m tall, with elliptic to ovate, evergreen leaves 2-4 cm long; [subfamily Ericoideae; tribe Phyllodoceae]. {add Rhododendron groenlandicum} | |
16 Fruit 2-3 (5)-locular; shrub to 1 m tall; leaves, 0.4-1.2 cm long; petals 2-4 mm long | |
16 Fruit 4-7-locular; shrub to small tree 1-6 (-9) m tall; leaves 2-12 cm long; petals 12-30 mm long. | |
17 Fruit 7-locular; leaves evergreen 2-4 cm long; petals 20-30 mm long; shrub 1-2.5 m tall | |
18 Leaves alternate or whorled, > 20 mm long. | |
21 Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, shiny and dark green above. | |
22 Leaves sharply and distinctly serrate. | |
23 Pedicels slender, 7-10 mm long; filaments strongly curved just below the anthers; pith transversely diaphragmed; [subfamily Vaccinioideae; tribe Lyonieae] | |
25 Leaves with a prominent vein running parallel to (and about 1 mm in from) the margin; [subfamily Vaccinioideae; tribe Lyonieae] | |
25 Leaves without a prominent marginal vein. | |
27 Flower stalks with 2 opposite or subopposite triangular bractlets near the base of the pedicel; leaf lower surface punctate with stalked red glands | |
21 Leaves membranaceous or subcoriaceous, deciduous or evergreen, if subcoriaceous and evergreen, then not shiny and dark green above. | |
28 Capsules ovoid to globose or subglobose, about as long as broad, or broader than long, 2-7 mm long. | |
33 Leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, 8× or more as long as wide. strongly revolute, strongly whitened beneath; [subfamily Vaccinioideae; tribe Andromedeae] | |
33 Leaves broader, not revolute or slightly so, not strongly whitened below. | |
5 Narrow part of the corolla tube ca. 0-2 mm long; peak flowering simultaneous with peak flowering of Kalmia latifolia; [restricted to the Great Smoky Mountains, TN and NC] | |
5 Narrow part of the corolla tube > 4 mm long; main flowering before to simultaneous with Kalmia latifolia; [FL, AL, GA, TN, SC, and NC]. | |
7 Corolla mostly 15-20 mm long, the corolla tube (9-13 mm long) shorter than to as long as the corolla lobes (12-18 mm long); plant flowering early relative to R. minus, despite often occurring at higher elevations and more northern latitudes, the main flowering in early spring, long before Kalmia latifolia; leaf growth starting with or after flowering; seeds ovoid, < 1.0 mm long, < 2.5× as long as wide (reminiscent of tiny watermelon seeds), coarsely textured, unornamented at the ends; calyx lobes deltoid; [mountain ridges, heath balds, and rocky summits, mostly either away from the Blue Ridge Escarpment or north of the Asheville Basin] | |
7 Corolla mostly 25-37 mm long, the corolla tube (13-22 mm long) longer than the corolla lobes (8-12 mm long); plant flowering late relative to R. carolinianum, the main flowering in late spring, together with Kalmia latifolia; leaf growth before flowering (and in southern parts of the range also after flowering); seeds usually > 1.0 mm long, usually > 3× as long as wide, ornamented at one or both ends; calyx lobes ovate; [Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Mountains, in the Mountains mostly of the Blue Ridge Escarpment of sw. NC and nw. SC, ranging up to the higher granitic domes in Macon and Jackson counties, NC]. | |
8 Corolla tubular at the base, with well-developed flaring corolla lobes > 10 mm long (at least the lower); stamens either 5-7 or 10; capsule 7-25 mm long, 5-locular; leaf mucro not prominent; midrib on lower leaf surface variously pubescent, but not with a series of fascicles of glandular trichomes. | |
9 Corolla tube 2-5 mm long or absent, much shorter than the corolla lobes; stamens (5-) 7 or 10; capsule ellipsoid-ovoid, 7-14 mm long; [subgenus Azaleastrum, section Sciadorhodion]. | |
9 Corolla tube 13-25 mm long, equal to or longer than the corolla lobes; stamens 5; capsule cylindroid-ellipsoid, 10-25 mm long; [subgenus Hymenanthes, section Pentanthera]. | |
11 Outer (abaxial) surface of the vegetative bud scales densely pubescent; flowers appearing before or with the leaves (at least some of the leaves still folded or the vegetative bud scales still present) (except R. viscosum). | |
12 Capsule cylindroid, (3-) 4-5× as long as broad. | |
13 Corolla yellow-orange to orange-red; upper corolla lobe with a contrasting blotch; [s. GA west to se. MS] | |
13 Corolla white to pink; upper corolla lobe uniform in color (lacking a contrasting blotch); [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
14 Corolla tube narrow and somewhat abruptly expanding into the lobes, the lobes distinctly shorter than the tube; pedicels usually eglandular (occasionally glandular), (4-) 5-10 (-13) mm long; leaves inconspicuously ciliate, the cilia appressed to the leaf margin; capsule densely covered with nonglandular hairs; flowering Mar-May; [widely distributed from s. NC and n. TN southward] | |
14 Corolla tube broader, gradually expanding into the lobes, the lobes about as long as or longer than the tube; pedicels usually glandular, (7-) 10-16 (-26) mm long; leaves conspicuously ciliate, the cilia diverging from the leaf margin; capsule glabrous or sparsely pubescent, the hairs at least partly gland-tipped; flowering May-Jun; [Mountains and upper Piedmont from n. NC (and rarely ne. AL) northward] | |
15 Corolla yellow-orange to orange-red; upper corolla lobe with a contrasting blotch; hairs of the capsule not gland-tipped; [Piedmont and Coastal Plain of GA and w. SC] | |
15 Corolla white to pink; upper corolla lobe uniform in color (lacking a contrasting blotch); hairs of the capsule gland-tipped (at least in part; nonglandular hairs also present); [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
16 Flowers appearing after the leaves have expanded (essentially all of the leaves unfolded, and the vegetative bud scales absent), typically May (Coastal Plain, low elevation, or south) to Aug (mountains, high elevation, or north) | |
17 Shrubs to 7 m tall; floral winter bud scales 15-20, at least the inner acute and aristate; corolla tube glabrous within, > 2× as long as the lobes; [primarily Coastal Plain] | |
17 Shrubs 1-2 (-5) m tall; floral winter bud scales 8-12 (-15), rounded (-mucronate) apically; corolla tube pubescent within, < 2× as long as the lobes; [more widespread] | |
16 Flowers appearing before or with the leaves (at least some of the leaves still folded or the vegetative bud scales still present), typically Apr-May (unless stimulated by fire or weather). | |
18 Leaf blade (3.2-) 3.4-4.7 (-5.2) cm long, (0.8-) 1.1-1.9 (-2.0) cm wide; plant typically strongly rhizomatous; [Coastal Plain from s. NJ south to sc. GA] | |
18 Leaf blade (3.9-) 5.0-7.3 (-8.7) cm long, (1.2-) 1.8-3.0 (-3.7) cm wide; plant typically nonrhizomatous; [Mountains and upper Piedmont] | |
11 Outer (abaxial) surface of the vegetative bud scales glabrous or sparsely pubescent; flowers appearing before, with, or after the leaves. | |
19 Capsule cylindric, (3-) 4-5 × as long as broad; flowers appearing before or with the leaves (at least some of the leaves still folded or the vegetative bud scales still present). | |
21 Corolla white to pink (sometimes with yellow blotches). | |
24 Shrubs to 7 m tall; floral winter bud scales 15-20, at least the inner acute and aristate; corolla tube glabrous within, > 2× as long as the lobes; [primarily Coastal Plain] | |
24 Shrubs 1-2 (-5) m tall; floral winter bud scales 8-12 (-15), rounded (-mucronate) apically; corolla tube pubescent within, < 2× as long as the lobes; [more widespread] | |
21 Corolla predominantly yellow, orange, or orange-red. | |
27 Twigs pubescent with multicellular hairs; [e. KY and w. VA south to ec. TN, n. GA, and ne. AL; apparently disjunct in the Piedmont of SC] | |
28 Shrubs upright, not stoloniferous; pedicel usually glandular-pubescent; corolla tube relatively wide, usually glandular-pubescent, yellow to orange or red; flower bud scales yellow-green (rarely with a brownish tinge) | |
28 Shrubs slightly to strongly stoloniferous; pedicel rarely glandular-pubescent; corolla tube relatively narrow, usually not glandular-pubescent, deep orange to red; flower bud scales brownish or at least brown-margined |