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Key to Cynanchum

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1 Leaves linear, cuneate at the base.
  2 Calyx lobes deltoid, obtuse, ca. 1 mm long; leaves petiolate, not reflexed, often caducous; follicle 1-3 mm in diameter; [of se. SC and south]
  2 Calyx lobes lanceolate, acute, (1.3-) 1.5-2.5 mm long; leaves sessile, reflexed, persistent; follicle 6-7 mm in diameter; [of ne. NC and south]
1 Leaves oblong or ovate, cordate, subcordate, or rounded at the base.
    3 Leaves oblong or ovate, rounded or subcordate at base; corona a fleshy, lobed cup
    3 Leaves broadly cordate, deeply cordate at base; corona of 5 erect, petaloid segments, each divided into 2 slender lobes.
      4 Peduncle usually shorter than the the petiole of the subtending leaf; appendages nearly as long as the corolla, deeply divided into linear segments; latex clear
      4 Peduncle about as long as, or longer than, the petiole of the subtending leaf; appendages less than 2/3 as long as the corolla, broadly oblong with a toothed or lobed apex; latex white

Key to Vincetoxicum

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1 Corolla lobes pubescent on the upper surface; flowering peduncles < 2 cm long; fruiting peduncles < 2.5 cm long
1 Corolla lobes glabrous on the upper surface; flowering peduncles mostly 2-2.5 cm long; fruiting peduncles < 2.5 cm long