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Key to Lithospermum
7 Corolla 11-20 mm long; nutlets rounded and not at all constricted at the base; stem pubescence 2-4 mm long | |
8 Corolla white or yellowish-white, the tube 4-8 mm long. | |
10 Upper stem internodes mostly 3-6 cm long; leaves mostly > 2 cm wide, acuminate | |
10 Upper stem internodes mostly 1-2 cm long; leaves mostly < 2 cm wide, acute | |
8 Corolla yellow-orange, the tube 7-30 mm long. | |
12 Plant with dense, soft, appressed pubescence, the hairs usually without pustular bases; calyx lobes 6-8 mm long at maturity; nutlets 2-3 mm long; [mostly of rocky or clayey circumneutral soils of inland physiographic provinces] | |
12 Plant with scattered, stiff, spreading pubescence, the hairs with or without pustular bases; calyx lobes 10-15 mm long at maturity; nutlets 3.5-4.5 mm long; [variously of sandy acidic soils of the Coastal Plain or inland]. | |
13 Pubescence with slender bases; mature calyx lobes flat; plants with 15-25 well-developed leaves below the inflorescence; [of sandy Coastal Plain habitats from se. VA southward] | |
13 Pubescence with pustular bases; mature calyx lobes strongly keeled; plants with (30-) 35-45 well-developed leaves below the inflorescence; [inland, known from inland provinces, PA, OH, IN, KY, IN, IL, MO, AR, and OK] |