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Key to Fraxinus
1 Leaves minutely honeycombed-reticulate beneath (best seen at magnification of 40-100×), more-or-less strongly whitened (and otherwise variously glabrous or pubescent); [Fraxinus americana complex]. | |
3 Leaflet blades mostly 5.5-12 (-15) cm, ovate to ovate-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, the apex acute-acuminate or less commonly obtuse, base cuneate to rounded; rachis 4-12 cm long; leaf scars 3-4 mm wide; [collectively widespread in our region]. | |
4 Petiole bases and leaf scars oblong-obovate to widely obovate with a nearly truncate or very shallowly bowl-shaped upper margin; samaras (32-) 33-54 mm long, samara wings (4.5-) 5-8 mm wide, samara bodies (7-) 10-15 mm long, 2-4 mm wide; twigs, petioles, petiolules, and rachises glabrous or hirtellous to hirtellous-puberulent to tomentulose. | |
5 Twigs, petioles, petiolules, and rachises sparsely to densely hirtellous to hirtellous-puberulent or tomentulose; samaras 33-54 mm long, samara wings 6-8 mm wide, samara bodies (7-) 11-15 mm long, 2-4 mm wide | |
1 Leaves not minutely-honeycombed-reticulate beneath (sometimes with papillae and small scales visible at 40×, but these not forming a developed netlike pattern), pale green (and otherwise variously glabrous or pubescent). | |
10 Leaflets 3-5, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, (4-) 5-9.5 × (1.5-) 2-4 cm, the margins coarsely and sharply serrate on distal 1/2--2/3; leaf scars shallowly hemispheric, the apex shallowly concave; samaras mostly 2-winged but often with some 3-winged among the 2-winged ones, the wings gradually expanded from near base to distal 1/3 of the body and narrowly flanging the body; [TX & OK] | |
10 Leaflets 5-7 (-9), subcoriaceous to submembraneous, (6-) 7.5-11 (-12) × 2.5-5 (-6) cm, the margins subentire to inconspicuously dentate-serrulate; leaf scars broadly oblong-ovate, the apex truncate to very shallowly concave; samaras consistently 2-winged, the wings arising abruptly from distal 1/4-1/5 (-1/2) of the body; widespread | |
11 Trees, 15--30(--40) m tall; leaflet blades (7-) 9-15 (-25) cm long × (2.5-) 3.5-7 (-11) cm wide, the bases often rounded, sometimes obtuse to acute or acuminate; samaras (35-) 40-70 (-75) mm long, the wings gradually expanded from near the base of the body to the proximal 1/2, (5.5-) 6-10 (-12) mm wide | |
11 Shrubs, trees, or shrublike trees, 2.5-12 (-15) m tall; leaflet blades 4-12 (-15) cm long × (1-) 2-5 (-6) cm wide, the bases acute to truncate or rounded; samaras (25-) 30-50 (-54) mm long, the wings arising either from the base of the body to the proximal 1/4 or from the middle/proximal 3/4 of the body, 6-20 (-22) mm wide. | |