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1 Flowers in axillary verticils subtended by ordinary foliage leaves, and separated by internodes of ordinary length. | |
3 Leaves subtending the inflorescence mostly broadly rounded at the base; leaves of the inflorescence relatively narrow; [exotic] | |
3 Leaves subtending the inflorescence mostly cuneate at the base; leaves of the inflorescence relatively broad; [native, though often in weedy situations] | |
6 Bracteal leaves much longer than the flowers, resembling the foliage leaves, but smaller or narrower | |
8 Petioles of the main leaves 4-15 mm long; spikes stout; plants sterile; fresh plant with peppermint odor or flavor | |
10 Hairs of the leaf undersurface unbranched; leaves widest near the middle, slightly rugose; fertile anthers 0.28-0.38 mm long; fresh plant with musty flavor or odor | |
10 Hairs of the leaf undersurface dendritic; leaves oblong lanceolate, widest toward the base, conspicuously rugose; fertile anthers 0.38-0.52 mm long; fresh plant with spearmint odor or flavor | |
11 Leaves generally 1-2× as long as wide, ovate-orbicular, broadly rounded to subcordate at the base, obtuse at the apex; leaf serrations rounded and often turned downward (thus appearing crenate); leaf surface strongly rugose, with scattered dendritic hairs below; fresh plant with sickly or sweet flavor or odor | |