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Key to Scutellaria

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1 Flowers axillary (the bracts subtending flowers resembling stem leaves in size and shape); stem leaves sessile or petioles < 4 mm.
  2 Corollas 12-32 mm long.
    3 Leaves deltate, apices obtuse; [sc. US, c. AR and se. OK south to w. LA and e. TX, in sandy woodlands and ravines]
    3 Leaves lanceolate to oblong-cordate, apices acute-acuminate; [NC, KY, and MO northwards, in wetlands]
  2 Corollas 5-10 mm long.
      4 Lower leaves triangular or deltoid, with small hastate lobes; plants glabrous
      4 Lower leaves without hastate lobes, narrowly ovate, ovate, or deltoid ovate; plants puberulent, pubescent, or glabrate.
image of plant
Show caption*© Richard & Teresa Ware
        5 Stems glabrate, the pubescence ascending, curled or appressed, eglandular.
          6 Median leaves 10-15 mm long; corolla 6.5-9 mm long
          6 Median leaves 20-40 mm long; corolla 8-10 mm long
image of plant
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Scutellaria parvula, Broxton Rocks Preserve, The Nature Conservancy, Coffee County, Georgia 2 by Alan Cressler
        5 Stems obviously hairy, the pubescence spreading, glandular, eglandular, or a mixture of both.
             7 Mid-stem leaves sessile; [widespread, southward to the FL panhandle].
               8 Upper stems antrorse eglandular and spreading stipitate-glandular; leaf veins tending to anastomose along margins, lower surfaces with only stipitate-glandular hairs, or nearly so; fresh plants inodorous
               8 Upper stems retrorse or spreading eglandular and/or stipitate-glandular; leaf veins usually unbranched along margins, lower surfaces clothed like stem with glandular and/or eglandular hairs; fresh plants with strong turpentine odor
                 9 Calyx eglandular; plants annual; [widespread in the Coastal Plain, east to n. peninsular FL]
1 Flowers in racemes or panicles (racemes of racemes) (bracts subtending flowers much reduced, not leaf-like); stem leaf petioles > 4 mm.
                   10 Corolla tube interior lacking a sharply defined ring of hairs (annulus) at the bend of the tube near the mouth of the calyx (= non-annulate).
                       12 Corollas ca. 10 mm long; racemes terminal or terminating axillary branches
                     11 Racemes not secund, flowers on more than one side of the axis.
                            14 Stems and petioles with ascending hairs; at least some racemes from axillary branches; mid to upper leaves truncate basally
                            14 Stems and petioles with spreading or retrorse hairs; racemes terminal or in panicles; mid to upper leaves strongly cordate.
                                16 Lower lip entirely white with a few blue spots; leaf surface smooth with sparse glandular hairs
                                16 Lower lip blue with two longitudinal white bands; leaf surface rugose, usually densely glandular hairy (but may be eglandular).
                   10 Corolla tube interior with a sharply defined ring of hairs (annulus) at the bend of the tube near the mouth of the calyx (= annulate).
                                    18 Leaf blades < 2.5 mm wide; rhizomes present, with fusiform tubers; [endemic to FL panhandle]
                                    18 Leaf blades > 3.0 mm wide; rhizomes either absent or present (if present short and without tubers); [more widespread]
                                         20 Corolla short pilose, lower lip with blue spots or lines on the white central band; leaf bases cuneate to deltoid.
                                           21 Mid to upper leaves mostly ovate or obovate, occasionally widely elliptic (lowest leaves strongly ovate); leaves mostly crenate or serrate throughout, if leaves entire, then just below the inflorescence; lowest pedicels of main inflorescence axis mostly > 4 mm long; [xeric, sandy uplands; s. GA south to s. FL]
                                           21 Mid to upper leaves mostly elliptic; leaves mostly entire or serrate throughout; leaves with entire margins not only confined to just below the inflorescence; lowest pedicels of main inflorescence mostly < 4 mm long; [various mesic or wet habitats; widespread]
                                                    25 Stipitate glands absent on leaf margins and veins on underside of leaf blade (sometimes sparse near petiole); upper portions of stem with zero to sparse stipitate glands and shorter, upwardly curled non-glandular hairs, leaves mainly cuneate to truncate (to subcordate)
                                                    25 Stipitate glands present on leaf margins and on veins throughout underside of leaf blade; upper portion of stem with dense stipitate glands and shorter, randomly spreading non-glandular hairs, leaves mainly cordate to truncate (to cuneate)
                                                      26 Corollas > 21 mm long (as short as 21 mm long in S. mellichampii, but the calyces punctate glandular only).
                                                                     33 Leaves shallow crenate, moderately to densely hirsute and with sparse light yellow or translucent glands; bracts with hairs > 0.3 mm long; calyces with moderate translucent or faint yellow punctate glands; widespread in our region, including west of the Mississippi River in w. LA and e. TX]
                                                                     33 Leaves deeply crenate or serrate, glabrate, with dense, resinous, yellow punctate glands; bracts with hairs < 0.2 mm long; calyces with prominent and dense resinous, yellow punctate glands; [Interior Highlands of MO, AR, and OK]