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2 Leaves narrowly oblanceolate, with margins widening from base to a point well beyond the midpoint of the leaf’s length; tepal margins strongly crisped-undulate; tepal nectary glands whitish to pale green when fresh, blending in (when fresh) with the nonglandular portion of the tepal blade; tepal claw ca. ½ as long as the tepal blade; [of mesic to dry forests] | |
2 Leaves (the larger, basal) linear, with margins parallel for most of the leaf’s length; tepal margins entire and planar or nearly so; tepal nectary glands yellow, obviously contrasting (when fresh) from the nonglandular portion of the tepal blade; tepal claw < 1/3 as long as the tepal blade; [of seepy or saturated wetlands] | |