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Key to Stenanthium

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1 Tepals lanceolate, the tip acute-acuminate.
  2 Inflorescence a diffuse panicle up to 3 dm wide, the terminal racemose portion reduced or absent; flowers on mid-portion of lateral branches with pedicels 1.6-4 mm long, spaced 8-15 mm apart; uppermost non-bracteal stem leaf 4-14 cm above ground level; flowering mid Sep-mid Oct; [of sandstone rockhouses of the Cumberland Plateau]
  2 Inflorescence branched but not diffuse, typically up to 1.5 dm wide, the terminal racemose portion present and up to 3 dm long; flowers on mid-portion of lateral branches with pedicels 0.3-1.1 mm long, generally spaced 3-7 mm apart; uppermost non-bracteal stem leaf 22-66 cm above ground level; flowering May-late Aug; [of various wet to dry habitats, widespread in our area]
    3 Stem 4-10 mm in diameter; plants 3-18 dm tall; tepals 3-8 (-10) mm long; capsules 6-9 mm long; seeds 5-6 mm long; [of dry to mesic slopes and outcrops]
    3 Stem 7-15 mm in diameter; plants 12-20 dm tall; tepals 5-10 mm long; capsules 9-10 mm long; seeds 5-8 mm long; [of sphagnous bogs and swamps]
1 Tepals obovate, the tip rounded-obtuse.
      4 Basal sheaths purple, fibers absent (occasionally sparse, rarely moderate); inflorescence unbranched (a raceme) or branched (a panicle); number of pedicels per 5 cm of inflorescence axis 30-60 (mean 43); tepals fade to pink or purple on living plants; [southern Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain].
        5 Largest leaves on a plant 3-7 mm wide (mean 4.3); inflorescence unbranched (a raceme); capsules averaging 11.0 mm long; [se. VA south to sc. peninsular FL, west to s. MS]
        5 Largest leaves on a plant 4-12 mm wide (mean 7.1); inflorescence branched (a panicle) (rarely simple); capsules averaging 13.3 mm long; [GA and FL Panhandle west to e. TX]
      4 Basal sheaths brown (occasionally purple tinged), densely to moderately clothed with remnant fibers; inflorescence branched (a panicle); number of pedicels per 5 cm of raceme 22-50 (mean 32); tepals fade to dull green or olive on living plants; [Eastern Highland Rim of TN, Southern Appalachians, and Coastal Plain of NY-NJ-DE-MD].
          6 Pedicel bracts 3-6.5 mm (mean 4.5) long; largest leaves 3-11 mm wide (mean 7.7); [Southern Appalachian Mountains and northern Atlantic Coastal Plain]
          6 Pedicel bracts 2.5-5.5 mm (mean 3.3) long; largest leaves 2.5-7 mm wide (mean 4.8); [Eastern Highland Rim of s. TN and n. AL]