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Key to Chrysopsis
1 Stem, leaves, and phyllaries sparsely to densely pubescent with spreading non-glandular hairs as well has having minutely glandular pubescence; annuals with taproots | |
1 Stems, leaves, and phyllaries various but lacking spreading non-glandular hairs; biennials or perennials, either fibrous-rooted or with a mostly short and quickly disintegrating taproot. | |
2 Cypselas lacking translucent, yellow to reddish brown, longitudinal ridges; phyllaries moderately to densely glandular. | |
3 Upper leaf surfaces arachnoid; [widespread in our area, including in the Piedmont, Mountains, and Interior Low Plateau] | |
6 Stem leaves sparely hirsute and moderately to densely stipitate-glandular; involucres green in bud. | |
7 Stems ascending to erect, often branched at or near the base; heads nodding in development; mid-stem leaves moderately hirsute, and also densely stipitate-glandular, the longer stipitate-glandular hairs 0.4-0.9 mm long | |
7 Stems erect, usually unbranched below the inflorescence; heads erect in development; mid-stem leaves glabrate to sparsely strigillose, and also densely stipitate-glandular, the longer stipitate-glandular hairs < 0.3 mm long | |
8 Mid-stem leaves obovate or oblanceolate (widest above the midpoint), their bases cuneate or slightly clasping; longest marginal cilia of the leaves rarely > 1 mm long; leaf blades appressed-tomentose, sparsely stipitate-glandular (these largely hidden by the non-glandular hairs) | |
2 Cypselas with 2-10 translucent, yellow to reddish brown, longitudinal ridges; phyllaries glabrous to densely pilose, and sometimes also stipitate-glandular. | |
9 Phyllary tips spreading to reflexed, twisted, usually long-attenuate, eglandular; cypselas with 6-10-ridges; [of n. FL southwards] | |
12 Stem leaf surfaces moderately to densely woolly; heads few in lax corymbiform arrays; stems decumbent to erect; [of VA to c. peninsular FL, west to FL Panhandle] | |
12 Stem leaf surfaces glabrate to pilose; heads many in simple to sometimes compound umbelliform arrays; stems usually erect; [of peninsular FL west to w. LA (mainly East Gulf Coastal Plain of FL Panhandle, s. AL, s. MS, and LA] | |
14 Heads 20-100, in compact subumbelliform to paniculiform arrays; stems often dark purple; plants 3-20 dm tall; stem leaves linear to narrowly linear (often > 10× as long as wide), flat to slightly twisted, the margins usually flat (to slightly undulate); [of FL Panhandle and s. AL] | |
14 Heads 4-30 (-50), in open corymbiform arrays; stems green-purple; plants 3-8 dm tall; stem leaves linear to linear-lanceolate or elliptic (< 10× as long as wide), strongly twisted, the margins also often undulate; [of the FL peninsula] | |