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Key to Eurybia, Key B: "Grass-bladed" Eurybia asters

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1 Inflorescence flat-topped (corymbiform); [subgenus Heleastrum, section Heleastrum].
  2 Ray flowers 15-35, (10-)15-20 mm long; involucres 9-11 mm wide, about as wide as long; [wet habitats in the Coastal Plain]
  2 Ray flowers 8-20, 5-10 mm long; involucres 6-9 mm wide, generally distinctly longer than wide; [habitats various].
    3 Plants rhizomatous, creeping; cauline leaves +/- sheathing, 2.5-14 cm x 2-5 (-10) mm; disc flowers 15-45; cypselas ~5 mm long; heads 3-15 (rarely more) in narrow corymbiform arrays; [seepage over thin soils on or near rock outcrops]
    3 Plants from caudices, clumping; cauline leaves +/- sessile, not sheathing, 2-7 cm x 5-20 mm; disc flowers 10-20; cypselas 2-3 mm long; heads 3-55 in broadly corymbiform arrays; [various dry to mesic habitats in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain but not occurring on rock outcrops]
1 Inflorescence elongate (spike-like or raceme-like).
      4 Stem spreading-hairy throughout; ray florets 25-60, white or pinkish; [endemic of FL Panhandle and adjacent sw. GA and se. AL]; [subgenus Heleastrum, section Eryngiifolii]
      4 Lower stem glabrous, upper stem variously hairy; ray florets 8-30, deep lavender or purple; [collectively widespread]
image of plant
Show caption*© Scott Ward
        5 Upper stem strigillose; phyllaries 48-64; ray florets 15-30; disc florets (40-) 52-80+; [widespread]; [subgenus Heleastrum, section Heleastrum]
        5 Upper stem villous to glabrescent; phyllaries 20-40; ray florets 8-17; disc florets 18-30; [endemic of FL Panhandle]; [subgenus Heleastrum, section Eryngiifolii]