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Key to Pilosella

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1 Plants not stoloniferous.
  2 Leaves and stem not glaucous; leaves hairy on the upper surface
  2 Leaves and stem glaucous; leaves sparsely hairy to nearly glabrous on the upper surface
    3 Peduncles with few or no stellate hairs; lower leaf surface glabrous or with a few stellate hairs
    3 Peduncles moderately to densely hairy with stellate hairs; lower leaf surface with minute stellate hairs and also with longer simple hairs
1 Plants stoloniferous.
      4 Heads 1 (-3) per stem
      4 Heads (1-) 2-many per stem.
        5 Heads (1-) 2-6 per stem; leaves nearly glabrous on the upper surface
        5 Heads (3-) 5-50 per stem; leaves nearly glabrous or distinctly long-pubescent on the upper surface.
          6 Flowers deep orange-red (often turning purplish when dried)
          6 Flowers yellow.
             7 Leaves not glaucous; leaves hairy on the upper surface; heads > 10 per stem (on well-developed stems)
             7 Leaves glaucous; leaves glabrous (or nearly so) on the upper surface; heads < 10 per stem
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