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Key to Nabalus
3 Principal phyllaries 7-10; flowers 8-15 per head. | |
4 Inflorescences open, corymbiform to paniculiform, with some elongate branches; flowers white, cream, yellowish, pink, or purple. | |
2 Phyllaries evidently (though sometimes sparsely) pubescent with long coarse hairs (1.5-3 mm long). | |
8 Heads nodding; principal phyllaries 4-7 (-9); flowers 5-8 (-13) per head; [of the Southern Appalachians of NC, TN, and VA]. | |
8 Heads ascending or nearly erect; principal phyllaries (6-) 8 (-10); flowers (8-) 11-14 (-19) per head; [north and west of n. NJ, PA, WV, KY, TN, nw. AL, and MS]. | |