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Key to Rudbeckia
1 Leaves grasslike, linear-lanceolate, never lobed, > 10× as long as wide, the basal with blade 10-20 cm long and < 1 cm wide; [of Coastal Plain, of s. GA southward and westward]. | |
2 Plant with 1 head; rays red, orange, or maroon, 1.0-1.5 cm long; plant pubescent | |
1 Leaves broader, lanceolate, ovate, or pinnately-cleft, < 10× as long as wide; [collectively widespread]. | |
4 Disc flowers yellow or yellowish-green; achenes 3.5-6.0 mm long. | |
5 Basal and lower stem leaves 1-2-pinnatifid (thus leaf lobes more deeply cleft and leaves therefore appearing more dissected overall), with 5-many lobes; plants 1-3 m tall. | |
5 Basal and lower stem leaves 1-5-lobed (not pinnatifid, occasionally unlobed); plants 0.5-2 m tall. | |
7 Heads larger, the disc mostly 1.5-2.0 cm wide; rays usually 8 or 13; [of high elevations of the Appalachians, VA and KY south to NC and TN] | |
7 Heads small, the disc mostly 1.0-1.5 cm wide; rays usually 5 or 8; [of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, VA south to FL, west to LA] | |
8 Leaves lobed; upper leaf surfaces moderately to densely hairy; [widespread in the Coastal Plain] | |
4 Disc flowers purple-brown; achenes 1.9-3.5 mm long. | |
11 Ray blades 8-17 mm long; discs 10-15 mm across; [widespread in our area] | |
11 Ray blades 18-30 mm long; discs 15-20 mm across; [at moderate to high elevations in the Appalachians] | |
12 Phyllaries < 7 mm long; [of the Coastal Plain of s. AL and Panhandle FL] | |
14 Plants glabrous or with scattered inconspicuous hairs. | |
17 Plants perennial; cypsela with pappi; rays yellow throughout; [typically in dry habitats] | |
17 Plants annual; cypsela lacking pappi; rays basally colored red-maroon; [typically in moist habitats] | |
20 Disc 10-15 mm across; rays 6-12, mostly spreading, 15-25 mm long; leaves not folded longitudinally | |
21 Stem hairy throughout, the hairs spreading on the lower stem, ascending on the upper stem and ca. 1.0 mm long | |
24 Plants never scapose, rarely branching at the base; leaves mostly pale green, rough but not harsh to the touch; basal leaves narrowly to broadly oblanceolate; [SC s. to FL, w. to TX] | |
24 Plants scapose (or nearly so), branching at or near the base; leaves mostly dark green, harsh to the touch; basal leaves broadly obovate to nearly orbiculate; [c. and s. FL] | |
25 Basal leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate 1-2.5 (-5) cm wide, mostly 3-5× as long as wide (or basal leaves absent), with entire to serrate margins; rays typically yellow with maroon, brown, or reddish bases; [disturbed areas OR glades and similar dry habitats, e. US westward]. | |
13 Pales (bracts of the receptacle) glabrous or nearly so (except sometimes for a minutely ciliate margin). | |
29 Ray blades 8-17 mm long; discs 10-15 mm across; [widespread in our area] | |
29 Ray blades 18-30 mm long; discs 15-20 mm across; [at moderate to high elevations in the Appalachians] | |
30 Phyllaries < 7 mm long; [of the Coastal Plain of s. AL and Panhandle FL] | |
33 Plants 2-3 m tall; stem leaves strongly auriculate-clasping; paleae 4-6 mm; [sandy stream banks, wet roadsides in AL, FL, and GA] | |
33 Plants 2 m tall or less; stem leaves weakly auriculate, not clasping; paleae 6-8 mm; [seepages in w. LA and e. TX] | |
40 Rays 6-12 mm long; stem and leaves with appressed soft hairs; flowering heads opening during mid-July to mid-August | |
40 Rays 16-23 mm long; stem and leaves with spreading pustulate hairs; flowering heads opening during early August to mid-September | |
41 Stems and leaves nearly smooth; upper stem leaves entire or slightly toothed, auriculate at the base; [dry rocky glades and woodlands] | |