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1 Leaves, peduncles, and phyllaries slightly glandular; [rocky glades, cliffs, barrens, and river-scoured outcrops, primarily on mafic or calcareous rocks]. | |
2 Cypselas pubescent (even when mature) [e. TN and w. VA northward] | |
3 Lower stem leaves 7-15× as long as wide, (2.5-) 4.6-9.4 (-11.2) cm long, (2-) 3-9 (-17) mm wide, generally obscurely toothed; [rocky, flood-scoured riversides, from e. KY, e. TN, and n. VA northward] | |
2 Cypselas glabrous (even when young); [either rocky, flood-scoured riversides of n. AL, nw. GA, sc. NC , e. TN, and e. KY, or habitat uncertain, Piedmont of SC]. | |
4 Involucres 5-12 mm high; inflorescence with heads more loosely arrayed, with 1-6 heads on a typical 3 cm lateral branch; [n. AL, nw. GA, , e. TN, e. KY, wc. SC] | |
4 Involucres 3-5 mm high; inflorescence with heads more tightly congested, with 6-15 heads on a typical 3 cm lateral branch; [river scour habitats, e. TN and cn. NC]. | |
6 Inflorescence axis and branches densely pubescent with arching hairs; basal leaves lanceolate to ovate, up to 35 mm wide; [known only from the Hiwassee River in e. TN] | |
6 Inflorescence axis and branches glabrous; basal leaves linear-lanceolate, up to 22 mm wide [known only from the Yadkin River in sc. NC] |