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Key to Viburnum
1 Leaves (at least the larger and better developed) palmately lobed and veined. | |
10 Inflorescence paniculate; leaf blades 7-20 cm long; fruit red to black, not glaucous, ca. 8 mm long; [exotic] | |
10 Inflorescence umbellate or cymose; leaf blades to 5-8(-9) cm long; fruit blue-black, glaucous, 9-15 mm long; [widespread natives]. | |
11 Leaves herbaceous in texture, dull above (sun leaves slightly glossy); petioles and veins (lower surface) glabrous or slightly brown-scurfy; leaves elliptical (widest near the midpoint of the leaf); leaf apex usually acuminate; [widespread in our area, usually in bottomland or other mesic forests] | |
12 Winter buds consisting of tightly folded leaves uncovered by bud scales; plants strongly and noticeably stellate pubescent, especially on young parts and on the lower leaf surface; fruits red then turning black. | |
13 Leaves lanceolate, 3-5× as long as wide, entire; leaf base truncate to rounded; leaf surface strongly rugose; [section Viburnum] | |
15 Marginal flowers of the inflorescence sterile and much larger than the fertile central flowers (or all the flowers sterile and enlarged) | |
16 >=Leaves coarsely and somewhat irregularly serrate, the teeth usually 10-30 per leaf side | |
12 Winter buds covered by bud scales; plants noticeably stellate-pubescent or not; fruits orange, red, or blue-black. | |
17 Leaves oblong-obovate, wider toward the tip; inflorescence paniculate, with an elongate central axis, the lowest branches opposite and with other branches above; fresh leaves malodorous; [section Solenotinus] | |
17 Leaves ovate or suborbicular, widest near or below the middle; inflorescence umbelliform, the main branches all attached at the same point; fresh leaves not malodorous. | |
18 Leaves with 8-12 lateral veins on each side; marginal flowers of the inflorescence sterile and much larger than the fertile central flowers; winter buds with 2 scales; [section Tomentosa] | |
21 Petioles short, those immediately below a cyme ≤ 8 mm long. | |
22 Cymes stipitate-glandular and pilose; leaf shape broadly ovate to rotund; [endemic to two small areas: Ozark and Ouachita Mountains of s. MO, AR, & e. OK and Appalachian Mountains of n. AL, sc. TN, & nw. GA] | |
22 Cymes eglandular (occasionally sparsely glandular), and lacking eglandular hairs; leaf shape ovate; [more widespread] | |
21 Petioles longer, those immediately below a cyme ≥ 10 mm long. | |
24 Leaf bases strongly cordate; [plants usually restricted to limestone substrates]. | |
25 Leaf veins eglandular; leaves glabrate beneath or pubescent in axils; bark of stems and branches "tight", not exfoliating | |
25 Leaf veins stipitate-glandular; leaves tomentose abaxially (forma molle) to glabrate (forma leiophyllum); bark of stems and branches exfoliating | |
28 Petioles glabrous or glabrate; stellate hairs absent on leaves and petioles; hairs on leaf undersides confined to axils and a few veins; leaf shape usually ovate; hypanthium eglandular | |
28 Petioles sparsely to densely stellate pubescent; stellate hairs present on leaf underside and petiole, dense and soft to touch (V. carolinianum, V. scabrellum, most V. venosum) or sparse to moderate (V. dentatum, some V. venosum); leaf shape various; hypanthium eglandular or occasionally glandular (V. dentatum; V. scabrellum). | |
30 Leaf shape ovate to broadly ovate; leaf teeth 5-12 per side; upper leaf surface scabridulous with abundant simple hairs; [of the southern Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain] | |
30 Leaf shape rotund; leaf teeth 10-18 per side; upper leaf surface glabrate, not scabridulous; [of the Southern Appalachian mountains or the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain]. | |