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Key to Diervilla

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1 Inflorescences lax, few-flowered (axillary: 1-3 flowers; terminal: 2-13 flowers); leaf blades broadly ovate with short-lanceolate apices; petioles 5-10 mm long (median = 6 mm); twigs below peduncles puberulent with very short, soft hairs that are curled antrorsely (upward) toward the stem; persistent sepal lobes 3-5 mm long (median = 3.5 mm); [northern parts of our region south to south to Buncombe and McDowell counties, NC]
1 Inflorescences congested, many-flowered (axillary: 18+ flowers; terminal: 30-100 flowers); leaf blades narrowly ovate with long-lanceolate apices; petioles 0-8 mm long (median = 2 mm); twigs below peduncles glabrous or pubescent with long hairs; persistent sepal lobes 1-3 mm long; [Southern Cumberland Plateau of n. AL and GA and Western Highland Rim of TN and Mountains of NC and TN, north to Mitchell and Yancey counties, NC].
  2 Twigs below peduncles moderately to densely hispid, with long, stiff, straight hairs at right-angles to the stem, rarely glabrous; persistent sepal lobes 1-2 mm long (median = 2 mm); [Southern Cumberland Plateau of n. AL and GA and Western Highland Rim of TN]
  2 Twigs below peduncles glabrous or pubescent, with short, soft, antrorse hairs (with tips curled back towards the stem); persistent sepal lobes 1.5-3 mm long (median = 3 mm); [Mountains of NC and TN, north to Mitchell and Yancey counties, NC]