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Key to Hyptis

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1 Flowers borne in spikes (these sometimes variously branched and paniculiform, but never condensed into globose heads); leaves narrowed to a cuneate base or with a well-developed petiole and truncate; corolla primarily pink, purple, or white colored.
  2 Flowers borne in fascicles within the inflorescence (the inflorescence consisting of separated verticils)
  2 Flowers not borne in fascicles within the inflorescence (not consisting of separated verticils).
    3 Stems scabrous on the angles; calyx lacking tufts of white trichomes between the lobes
    3 Stems pubescent, but not scabrous; calyx with conspicuous short tufts of white trichomes between the lobes
1 Flowers borne in large, globose heads, 1.5-2.5 cm across, borne on peduncles 2-6 cm long; leaves narrowed to a narrowly cuneate, subpetiolar base; corolla primarily white-colored.
      4 Involucral bracts < 1 mm wide; peduncles usually < 1 cm long; [exotic, so far known only from FL]; [section Marrubiastrae]
      4 Involucral bracts > 1.5 mm wide; peduncles usually > 1 cm long; [native, widespread in the Coastal Plain of our area]; [section Hyptis].
        5 Stem internodes short-pubescent; leaves 3-8× as long as wide; [NC to FL to e. TX]
        5 Stem internodes glabrous or nearly so; leaves 8-20× as long as wide; [c. and s. peninsular FL]