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Key to Osmorhiza

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1 Styles plus stylopodium 0.5-1.5 mm long; flowers 4-7 (-10) per umbellet (including withering staminate flowers); flowers 3-4 mm across; umbellets 3-5 (-6) per umbel, on rays 2-8 (-10) cm long, the umbel therefore relatively uncrowded; roots (and foliage) not at all or only slightly anise-scented, often mildly carrot-scented
1 Styles plus stylopodium 2.0-3.5 mm long; flowers (6-) 9-18 per umbellet (including withering staminate flowers); flowers 5-6 mm across; umbellets 4-6 (-8) per umbel, on rays 1.5-5.0 (-7.5) cm long, the umbel therefore rather crowded; roots (and foliage) strongly anise- or licorice-scented