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Key to Apiaceae, Key C: Apiaceae with 1-pinnate leaves

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1 Larger leaves 20-50 cm wide, 3 (-5) foliolate, many of the leaflets deeply lobed into segments often > 10 cm wide; fruits 8-15 mm long, pubescent; petioles sheathing and also strongly dilated
1 Larger leaves 3-25 cm wide, 5-15 (or more) foliolate, the leaflets variously toothed, if also deeply lobed, the segments < 3 cm wide; fruits 1-7 mm wide; petioles sheathing, not dilated.
  2 Leaves septate (phyllodial), the lateral leaflets attached at septae
  2 Leaves non-septate, non-phyllodial (normal and standard issue).
    3 Leaflets entire or with a few teeth (rarely as many as 7 on each side), these usually near the midpoint of the leaflet; fruits 4-7 mm long; corolla white
    3 Leaflets rather finely toothed (and sometimes also deeply lobed), the teeth evenly disposed along the margins; fruits 1-6 mm long; corolla white or yellow.
      4 Corolla yellow; fruits 5-6 mm long; longer rays in each compound umbel > 5 cm long
      4 Corolla white or pink; fruits 1-5 mm long; longer rays in each compound umbel < 4 cm long.
        5 Leaflets obtuse to broadly rounded, < 1.5× as long as wide; upper leaves often dramatically more dissected (i.e., bipinnate) and with narrower leaflets or segments than the basal and lower leaves; [plants of disturbed upland situations].
          6 Bracteoles present subtending the umbellets; outer flowers of the umbellet asymmetric, with the outer petals larger and often bifid (raylike); annuals; stems solid
          6 Bracteoles absent; all flowers radially symmetrical; biennials or perennials; stems hollow or solid
        5 Leaflets acute to acuminate at the apex, > 1.5× as long as wide; upper leaves similar to the basal in shape and degree of dissection, smaller or with fewer leaflets if they differ at all; [plants of wetlands].
             7 Umbels sessile or subsessile; leaf margins crenate; highly dissected submersed leaves absent
             7 Umbels on stout peduncles 4-10 cm long; leaf margins sharply serrate; highly dissected submersed leaves sometimes present