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Key to Sanicula
3 Styles about 1.5× as long as the calyx, inconspicuously exserted from between the calyx lobes and recurved; umbellets usually polygamous (rarely some staminate only); polygamous umbellets with 6-18 flowers (3 perfect and 3-15 staminate); fruit with a short but distinct pedicel 0.5-1.0 mm long; bases of fruit bristles dilated but not bulbous, often minutely papillose | |
3 Styles > 2× as long as the calyx, conspicuously exserted from the calyx and recurved; umbellets dimorphic, some polygamous and others staminate only; polygamous umbellets with 12-120 flowers (3-4 perfect and the remainder staminate); fruits sessile to subsessile; bases of fruit bristles prominently bulbous, with a minutely warty-reticulate surface pattern | |
1 Styles shorter than (or rarely as long as) the calyx; umbellets usually monomorphic (all containing both perfect and staminate flowers), with staminate flowers 1-7 per umbellet; larger leaves 3-foliolate (the lateral leaflets often deeply lobed) or rarely 5-foliolate. | |
5 Plant a biennial, from slender, fibrous roots; umbellets with 4-6 flowers (3 perfect and 1-3 staminate). | |