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Key to Uvularia

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1 Leaves perfoliate, the margins scarious but smooth; upper stems terete in cross-section, hollow; [section Uvularia].
  2 Tepals glabrous within; leaves puberulent beneath (or rarely glabrate); leaves below the stem fork (0-) 1 (-2)
  2 Tepals conspicuously granular-papillose within; leaves glabrous and often glaucous beneath; leaves below the stem fork 2-4
1 Leaves sessile, the margins scarious and minutely papillose-denticulate; upper stems angled in cross-section, solid; [section Oakesiella].
    3 Undivided portion of the style 0.5-1× as long as the style branches; upper stem and lower leaf surfaces puberulent to glabrous, green; rhizome very short, with clustered, thickened roots
    3 Undivided portion of the style 3-5× as long as the style branches; upper stem and lower leaf surfaces glabrous, usually also glaucous; rhizome elongate, with scattered, fibrous roots.
      4 Pedicel bearing a sessile, leaf-like bract 5-17 mm below the flower; capsule sessile, conspicuously beaked at apex
      4 Pedicel bractless; capsule on a stalk 2-4 (-6) mm long, not beaked