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1 Flowers yellow, the tepals 12-16 mm long; flowers 3-8 (-10) per inflorescence (in fruit often fewer by abortion); berries blue (rarely to whitish-blue), 8-12 mm long, each with 8-16 seeds; leaf margins and lower surface of midvein (near lower, sheathing portion of leaf) glabrous or slightly ciliate; plants colonial by rhizomes 1-2 mm in diameter; leaf blade 1.5-2.5 (-3.5)× as long as wide; [mostly northern in our region or in the Mountains at high elevations, generally associated with spruce-fir or northern hardwoods forests, but sometimes in oak forests and seepages] | |
1 Flowers white (often marked with red or purple blotches, spots, or lines), the tepals 5.5-8 mm long; flowers 10-30 per inflorescence (in fruit often fewer by abortion); berries black or blue, 6-8 mm long, each with 2-4 seeds; leaf margins and lower surface of midvein (near lower, sheathing portion of leaf) retrorsely ciliate; plants solitary or somewhat colonial, the rhizomes 2-4 mm in diameter; leaf blade 2-5× as long as wide; [plants of middle elevations, or northwards at low elevations as well, generally associated with oak or cove forests] |