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Key to Prosartes

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1 Fruit glabrous, ellipsoid, weakly triangular (the corners broadly rounded) in cross-section, the surface smooth and shiny, orange to red when ripe; tepals greenish, unspotted; leaves relatively small and many (usually > 20 leaves on a mature, flowering or fruiting plant), and small; leaf glabrous on the surface above (except for sparsely pubescent on the midrib and main veins), densely pubescent on the midrib below, sparsely pubescent on the surface below; leaf pubescence weak, often twisted or curled apically (as seen at 10-20× magnification), the leaf therefore very soft to the touch
1 Fruit pubescent, strongly 3-lobed (or 1- or 2-lobed by abortion), the surface textured and dull, whitish-tan when ripe; tepals whitish, spotted with purple; leaves relatively large and few (usually < 16 leaves on a mature, flowering or fruiting plant); leaf sparsely pubescent on the surface and veins above and below; leaf pubescence stiff, generally straight and perpendicular to the surface (as seen at 10-20× magnification), the leaf therefore slightly rough to the touch