Click the number at the start of a key lead to highlight both that lead and its corresponding lead. Click again to show only the two highlighted leads. Click a third time to return to the full key with the selected leads still highlighted.
1 Rachis of inflorescence with all hairs not glandular, tapering to a pointed tip; flowering Mar-Sep |
1 Rachis of inflorescence either glabrous or with some or all hairs gland-tipped ( capitate or clavate). |
2 Lip pandurate (fiddle-shaped), subapical constriction deep, apex broadly dilated; dorsal petals and lateral sepals forming a conspicuous connivent ' hood'; [NY, PA, OH, IN, and IL northwards] |
2 Lip sometimes constricted, but not pandurate; dorsal petals and lateral sepals not forming a connivent ' hood'; [collectively widespread] |
3 Viscidium ovoid; column white; lip bright yellow or orange-yellow, with greenish veins; sepals and petals pure white; flowering May-Jul |
3 Viscidium linear; column green; lip either white, or lip yellowish and lacking greenish veins; sepals and petals creamy, ivory, yellow, or greenish; collectively flowering Jan-Dec. |
4 Lip centrally green or white with green veins. |
5 Lip not papillate on the upper surface near the middle. |
6 Flowers 5-9 mm long, white, with green venation on adaxial surface of the lip only; primarily of pine flatwoods and savannas |
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Spiranthes sylvatica, New Tampa Nature Park, Hillsborough County, Florida 1 by Alan Cressler 6 Flowers 8-17 mm long, creamy green, with green venation on the adaxial surface of all perianth segments; primarily of mixed hardwood-pine forests |
5 Lip papillate on the upper surface near the middle. |
7 Flowers fragrant; flowering late Oct-early Feb (-May); [of FL] |
7 Flowers not fragrant; flowering Feb-Sep; [collectively widespread in our area]. |
8 Lateral sepals slightly downwardly falcate, oblique; [of FL] |
8 Lateral sepals held perpendicular to the stem, not oblique; [collectively widespread in our area]. |
9 Leaves oblanceolate, withering at anthesis; lateral sepals spatulate, green at base; flowering Feb-May |
9 Leaves ovate to obovate or elliptic, spreading, present or absent at anthesis; lateral sepals acuminate, white throughout; flowering Jul-Sep. |
10 Flowers densely arranged on the spike (ratio of spike length in mm: flower number < 2.3); plants glabrous or occasionally sparsely pubescent above; leaves usually absent at anthesis; flowering later, mostly Aug-Sep |
Show caption*© Samuel Brinker, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Samuel Brinker 10 Flowers laxly arranged on spike (ratio of spike length in mm: flower number ≥ 2.3); inflorescence capitate- pubescent; leaves usually persisting through anthesis; flowering earlier, mostly Jul |
4 Lip centrally yellow, cream, or entirely white. |
11 Flowers < 4.5 mm long; rachis glabrous; flowers gaping from near middle, the tubular portion < 3 mm long; lip pure white; flowering Jun-Sep |
11 Flowers > 5.0 mm long; rachis glabrous or pubescent; flowers gaping only from beyond the middle, the tubular portion > 3 mm long; lip white, creamy, or yellow. |
12 Lip papillate on the upper surface near the middle. |
13 Leaves upright, linear- lanceolate (or fugacious). |
15 Callosities highly reduced, appearing as rounded mounds |
15 Callosities not reduced, conical and upright. |
16 Lip centrally white or very pale yellow; [of Interior Highlands of AR and OK and Coastal Plain of AR] |
16 Lip centrally yellow (or greenish); [of FL] |
12 Lip lacking papillae on the upper surface near the middle. |
17 Lateral sepals cupped ( concave). |
19 Rostellum and viscidium absent; sepals 3.5-5 mm long |
19 Rostellum and viscidium present; sepals 4-6.1 mm long |
18 Lip centrally yellowish. |
20 Dorsal sepal and petals barely recurved; [of PA northwards] |
20 Dorsal sepal and petals recurved; [of Coastal Plain] |
17 Lateral sepals flat (not concave). |
23 Callosities reduced and mounded, 0.2-0.6 mm long; leaves usually absent at flowering |
23 Callosities pronounced, incurved or conical, 1-2.5 mm long; leaves present at flowering |
22 Flowers lacking fragrance. |
24 Lateral sepals not oblique, held near the flower; flowering Aug-mid-Sep |
25 Lateral sepals downwardly falcate, apices pointing toward the labellum apex |
25 Lateral sepals sweeping upward, apices pointing toward dorsal sepal and petals. |
26 Lip yellow on its lower surface; glands on the lower lip surface rounded. |
27 Lateral sepals straight and typically curving apically over the petals; flowers typically nodding |
27 Lateral sepals straight to somewhat falcate, not typically curving apically; flowers spreading or slightly ascending. |
28 Lateral sepal apices bluntly acuminate, 7.7-10.2 mm long |
26 Lip white or very pale yellow on its lower surface; glands on the lower lip surface conical and reduced. |
29 Lip centrally yellowish (sometimes faintly); lateral sepals linear- lanceolate; flowers frequently ascending; flowers occasionally peloric or cleistogamous; [north of the Ohio River] |
29 Lip white; lateral sepals lanceolate; flowers frequently nodding; flowers rarely peloric or cleistogamous; [mostly south of the Ohio River] |
30 Roots stoloniferous; leaves linear- lanceolate, 15-21.4 cm long × 1.4-1.7 cm wide; flowers fragrant (general 'floral' to vanilla-jasmine); [Long Island (NY) south to VA Eastern Shore] |
30 Roots non- stoloniferous; leaves lanceolate, 8.7-20 cm long × 0.4-1.1 cm wide; flowers typically not fragrant; [widespread in our region] |