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Key to terrestrial orchids: Key to Orchidaceae

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1 Leaves absent at flowering, or with a solitary leaf with a purplish undersurface withering at about the time of flowering.
image of plant
Show caption*© Richard & Teresa Ware
  2 Flowers with a spur.
    3 Spur shortly obtuse, lip partially tubular; [s. FL]
image of plant
Show caption*© Richard & Teresa Ware
    3 Spur long and slender, lip not partially tubular; widespread in our region, south in FL to ne. FL]
image of plant
Show caption*© Alan M. Cressler
image of plant
Show caption*© Richard & Teresa Ware
  2 Flowers without a spur.
      4 Flowers white, the lip, sepals, and petals all predominantly white.
        5 Lip white with a single central green stripe; leaves often fugacious
        5 Lip white, centrally yellow to greenish-white, occasionally with multiple green veins (as in S. praecox and S. sylvatica); leaves present, absent, or withering (fugacious) at flowering
      4 Flowers pink, greenish, yellowish, or purplish, the lip sometimes white or marked with white, the sepals and petals colored.
             7 Flower solitary; [Mountains of SC, NC, and VA northwards]
             7 Flowers not solitary (inflorescence a raceme); [Coastal Plain of SC southwards]
               8 Lip with 2 fleshy keels near the base; pollinia 4; plants holomycotrophic (without chlorophyll) and never with leaves
               8 Lip with 3-7 keels near the base or extending most of the length of the lip; pollinia 4 or 8; plants either holomycotrophic (without chlorophyll) and never with leaves, or with a plicate winter leaf withering shortly before flowering.
                 9 Plants with a plicate winter leaf withering shortly before flowering (the withered remnant usually detectable); veins of the petals and sepals not strikingly different in color than the intervein areas; lip with 3 ridges; pollinia 4
                 9 Plants never with leaves, holomycotrophic (without chlorophyll); veins of the petals and sepals strikingly different in color than the intervein areas; lip with 5-7 ridges; pollinia 8
1 Leaves present at flowering (Cleistesiopsis with a foliaceous bract at the summit of the stem).
                   10 Plants with evident, above-ground pseudobulbs, sometimes enclosed by sheaths.
                       12 Lip broadest near its base; inflorescence typically a spicate raceme (prematurely umbellate in M. spicata); leaves to 10 cm long
                       12 Lip broadest near its apex; inflorescence typically a more open or lax raceme; leaves to 30 cm long.
                     11 Leaf bases not conspicuously clasping the stems (or if clasping, loosely so).
                            14 Flowers predominantly yellow, pseudobulbs > 8 (-100) cm long.
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Show caption*© Roger L. Hammer
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Show caption*© Roger L. Hammer
                              15 Flowers without brown spots; pseudobulbs typically 10-30 (-100) cm long
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Show caption*© Roger L. Hammer
                              15 Flowers with brown spots; pseudobulbs typically 8-15 cm long
                            14 Flowers not predominantly yellow, pseudobulbs < 8 cm long.
image of plant
Show caption*© Matt, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Matt
                                16 Leaves plicate, without conspicuous dark green mottling.
image of plant
Show caption*© Alan M. Cressler
                                  17 Lip conspicuously bearded or bearing bumpy projections
                                  17 Lip not conspicuously bearded, but sometimes with 3-7 distinct keels.
image of plant
Show caption*© Matt, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Matt
                                    18 Perianth primarily brown or green (white on the backs of the sepals and petals OR the lip greenish-white with brown lateral venation); lip tubular (Phaius) or not (Eulophia).
image of plant
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Bletia patula, near Arecibo Observatory, Municipio de Arecibo, Puerto Rico 2 by Alan Cressler
                                         20 Lip with 5-7 conspicuous yellow or white keels, the keels sometimes distally undulate.
                                           21 Inflorescence arising basally (directly from the pseudobulb and on separate stems from the leaf culms)
image of plant
Show caption*© Alan Cressler: Spathoglottis plicata, Riviere Glace Valley, Grand Anse Department, Haiti 1 by Alan Cressler
                                         20 Lip without 5-7 conspicuous yellow-white keels
                   10 Plants without above-ground pseudobulbs (either absent or subterranean).
                                                    25 Leaf not long petiolate, orbicular; lateral sepals reflexed or slightly spreading without long acuminate apices, rather, typically blunt or rounded; [widespread; NC and TN northward]
                                                        27 Flowers relatively large, primarily pink, purple, or white; flowers arranged in loosely arranged racemes
                                                        27 Flowers relatively small, whitish; flowers arranged in densely (and sometimes also spirally) arranged spikes.
                                                              30 Flower solitary (-4), pink (rarely nearly white); [subfamily Vanilloideae; tribe Pogonieae].
                                                                                    40 Lip with a spur; leaves linear, lanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, 5-40 cm long (at least the larger > 5 cm long, except in Aspidogyne, with lanceolate to ovate leaves 1.5-6.5 cm long).