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Key to Hypoxis

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1 Leaves glabrous, or with a few trichomes near the base; seeds black.
  2 Leaves filiform, 0.3-1.2 mm wide, stiff; seeds pebbled (the exposed portion of each cell rounded); floral bracts 1-7 (-12) mm, > 2× as long as the pedicels; ovaries densely pubescent; [of Coastal Plain pinelands]
  2 Leaves over 2 mm wide, soft and flexible; seeds coarsely muricate (the exposed portion of each cell pointed-conical); floral bracts (1-) 2-20 (-80) mm; ovaries sparsely to densely pubescent; [collectively widespread].
    3 Ovaries longer than broad, cylindric, with scattered trichomes; floral bracts (3-) 5-20 (-80) mm long; pedicels usually shorter than the floral bracts; tepals equaling or shorter than ovaries; [of Coastal Plain bottomlands]
    3 Ovaries as broad as long or nearly so, deltate, densely pubescent; floral bracts (1-) 2-10 (-17) mm long; pedicels usually >2× as long as the floral bracts; tepals much longer than ovaries; [widespread]
1 Leaves evenly pubescent, at least near the base; seeds black or brown.
      4 Pedicels usually > 2× as long as the bracts; seeds black; [collectively widespread].
        5 Leaves flattened, > 1 mm wide; seeds coarsely muricate (the exposed portion of each cell pointed-conical); [widespread]
        5 Leaves filiform, 0.3-1.2 mm wide; seeds pebbled (the exposed portion of each cell rounded); [of Coastal Plain pinelands]
      4 Pedicels usually < 2× as long as subtending bracts; seeds black or brown; [of Coastal Plain pinelands].
          6 Anthers > 2 mm long; tepals longer than the pedicels; floral bracts longer than the pedicels; seeds black, pebbled with round pebbling (the exposed portion of each cell rounded)
          6 Anthers < 2 mm long; tepals shorter than to longer than the pedicels; floral bracts shorter than to longer than the pedicels; seeds brown, with detached, wrinkled cuticle.
             7 Tepals 1.5-2× as long as ovaries; seed coats iridescent
             7 Tepals ca. 1 (-1.5)× the length of the ovaries; seed coats not iridescent