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Key to Lycopodiella

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1 Leaves of the horizontal shoots entire (rarely those toward the shoot apex with a few teeth); horizontal shoots, excluding the leaves, 0.5-0.9 (-1.0) mm in diameter; each horizontal shoot segment commonly producing a single upright shoot; [primarily Mountains, also Coastal Plain from MD northwards]
1 Leaves of the horizontal shoots toothed (except when inundated); horizontal shoots, excluding the leaves, 1.5-5.0 mm in diameter; each horizontal shoot segment producing 2-6 upright shoots; [collectively primarily of the Coastal Plain, with some disjunctions inland into the Piedmont and Mountains].
  2 Fertile leaves (sporophylls) 2.9-5.0 (-5.2) mm long, appressed at maturity, entire or with short teeth < 0.3 mm long; strobili 3-6 mm in diameter at maturity
  2 Fertile leaves (sporophylls) 5.5-9 mm long, spreading, with 1-8 teeth per margin, some or all of the teeth exceeding 0.3 mm in length; strobili 10-20 mm in diameter at maturity.
    3 Prostrate stems arching, not in contact with the ground (and rooting) all along their length, 8-11 mm wide (including leaves), the stem (stripped of leaves) 2-4 mm in diameter; leaves of the prostrate stem of one size and shape, spreading to ascending, 5-7 mm long, 0.5-0.7 mm wide; erect stems many, equally spaced along the prostrate stems, progressively shorter and sterile toward the apex of the prostrate stems
    3 Prostrate stems creeping, in contact with the ground (and rooting) all along their length, 12-19 mm wide (including leaves), the stem (stripped of leaves) 1-2.2 mm in diameter; leaves of the prostrate stems dimorphic, spreading to reflexed, the upper leaves smaller (4-5 mm long, 0.4-0.6 mm wide) than the lateral leaves (7-8 mm long, 0.7-1.8 mm wide); erect stems few, clustered well behind the apex of the prostrate stems, mostly fertile and subequal in length
      4 Upright shoots 13-17 cm tall; horizontal stems 1.8-2.2 mm diam.; strobili 4-9 mm wide with incurved, ascending leaves; sporophyll margins lacking obvious teeth; [sc. PA, nw. OH, ne. IN northwards]
      4 Upright shoots 18-35 cm tall; horizontal stems 1.3-1.6 mm diam.; strobili 15-20 mm wide, with incurved, spreading leaves; sporophyll margins with 1-5 teeth; [NC and AR southwards]