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Key to Nolina

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1 Leaf margins entire (or with scattered, weak teeth); scape (inflorescence stalk below the first branch) 0.5-2 dm tall
1 Leaf margins serrate with close-set, tough, cartilaginous teeth; scape 2.5-14 dm tall.
  2 Leaves 1.5-4 (-5) mm wide, green; capsules 4-4.5 × 4-5.5 mm, strongly asymmetrical; [moist flatwoods of the FL Coastal Plain]
  2 Leaves 3-12 mm wide, glaucous or green; capsules 6-10 mm × 5-11 (-12) mm, symmetrical; [either dry to dry-mesic sandhills of the FL, GA, and SC Coastal Plain or limestone of TX].
    3 [limestone habitats of TX]
    3 [dry sandy habitats of FL, GA, and SC Coastal Plain].
      4 Capsules 8-10 (-12) mm in diameter; leaves green; [of n. FL southwards to sc. FL]
      4 Capsules 5-7 mm in diameter; leaves glaucous; [of GA and SC]