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Key to Lobelia
3 Larger leaves in a basal rosette, linear to linear-oblanceolate; [of wetlands, often growing in shallow to deeper water]. | |
4 Leaves flat, 2-30 cm long; [of the Southeastern Coastal Plain, from GA (or NC?) south to FL and west to LA, in seasonally saturated to ponded wetlands]. | |
5 Sinuses of calyx segments with small auricles (best seen on new flowers, often lost on old flowers and fruits); pedicels with very small bracteoles at the base (near the slender, leaf-like bract); corolla (12-) avg. 15-16 (-20) mm long; filament tube (6-) 7-9 (-11) mm long; corolla tube not fenestrate (lacking lateral slits, but older flowers may be torn); larger leaves 10-30 cm long; plants (5-) 8-10 (-15) dm tall | |
5 Sinuses of calyx segments not auriculate; pedicels lacking bracteoles; corolla (10-) avg. 12-13 (-16) mm long; filament tube 3-4.5 mm long; corolla tube fenestrate (with lateral slits near the base between the calyx lobes); larger leaves 5-15 cm long; plants (4-) 5-6 (-13) dm tall | |
3 Larger leaves cauline; [collectively widespread and in a range of habitats]. | |
7 Leaves lanceolate, sessile or subsessile; [of tidal rivers, lawns, and disturbed areas in s. NJ and adjacent PA] | |
8 Flowers smaller, 8-14 mm long (measured from base of calyx); filament tube smaller, 2.5-5 mm long; corolla usually not fenestrate (except sometimes in L. flaccidifolia). | |
10 Leaves subulate-filiform (narrowly linear), < 1 mm wide (leaves often deciduous); calyx glabrous; pedicels lacking bracteoles (but bracts present); stems often spongy-thickened toward the base; rhizomes present (the plants therefore forming clones, though the stems often spaced as much as a meter apart) | |
11 Bracteoles borne near the middle of the pedicel; [wetlands from WV and PA northwards] | |
12 Lower lip of corolla pubescent inside at the base near throat; pedicels and calyx often strongly antrorsely scabrid (with sharp upward-pointing hairs), rarely almost glabrous (but usually have a few antrorse hairs, especially on the pedicels); hypanthium oval to oblong in fruit; basal leaves linear | |
13 Lower leaves with distinct petioles; leaf bases truncate, rounded or subcordate; [FL and s. GA]. | |
15 Stems long hirsute; fruiting capsules strongly inflated; lower flowers with ovate-leafy bracts; inflorescence usually much branched | |
17 Upper stem leaves oblong or obovate with narrowed bases; leaf margins often entire with tiny glandular teeth or occasionally undulate, crenulate to shallowly dentate; base of stem usually densely puberulent; plants rarely branched (if branched, then from lower two nodes, unless injured or late in season after main inflorescence has fruited); inflorescence spike-like with flowers 7-12 mm long that are borne on all sides; flowering mostly Jun-Aug | |
17 Upper stem leaves short-ovate with broad, rounded bases (often partially clasping stem); leaf margins usually irregularly toothed with rounded teeth; plants often branched from lower and upper nodes (occasionally unbranched); inflorescence a raceme with flowers 10-15 mm long that are often borne partly on one side (partially secund); flowering mostly May-Jun. | |
8 Flowers relatively large, the corolla (including the hypanthium) 18-33 mm long, fenestrate (with a slit or window on each side of the tube near the base) (or often not fenestrate in L. flaccidifolia). | |
19 Leaves mostly < 3 cm long and very numerous, usually > 20 (leaves also < 7 mm wide); leaf margins prominently denticulate and apex rounded; sinuses of calyx with distinct auricles that overlap and often completely cover the calyx tube (hypanthium); calyx lobes pectinately toothed | |
21 Pedicel with two conspicuous bracteoles borne above the base of pedicel (they are linear, somewhat foliaceous, and have acute tips); calyx tube short-pubescent or glabrous (pedicel short-pubescent or glabrous); corolla tube usually not fenestrate (lacking lateral slits); lower leaves usually < 7 mm long, with blunt or acute tips; upper stem leaves usually not strongly denticulate (but gland-tipped teeth are usually present); internodes not geniculate or only slightly so; plants often drying a lighter green | |
21 Pedicel with inconspicuous bracteoles borne at base and often hidden by bract (bracteoles are oval to oblong with blunt tips and look similar to glandular teeth of bract, except a little smaller); calyx tube either pustular (with wart-like bumps), long-hirsute, or glabrous (the pedicel short to long hirsute or glabrous); corolla tube fenestrate; lower leaves often > 7 mm long, often with sharp tips (but not always); upper stem leaves prominently denticulate (margins with numerous sharp, gland-tipped teeth); internodes often geniculate (zigzag); plants often drying darker. | |
23 Underside of corolla longitudinally striped with white (looks pinstriped with narrow blue/violet lines with broader white stripes); bracteoles borne above the middle of pedicels just below calyx tube (bracteoles are much smaller than leafy bract that is found at base of the petiole); calyx lobes entire and usually with some long, chaffy hairs on the margins; sinuses of calyx with small to large auricles; filament tube 12-15 mm long | |
23 Undersurface of corolla not noticeably striped with white; bracteoles located below middle of pedicels, often near base of leafy bract; calyx lobes toothed or entire and margins glabrous or ciliate with sharp-pointed hairs; sinuses of calyx lobes with or without auricles; filament tube 6-11 mm long. | |
25 Sinuses of calyx with prominent drooping auricles (resembling elongated ear lobes); calyx tube (hypanthium) typically densely long-hirsute (occasionally glabrous); stems densely pubescent, sparsely pubescent or sometimes almost glabrous | |
27 Auricles very large and conspicuous, covering almost half of calyx tube (resembling drooping ear lobes); lower corolla lip sometimes puberulent on the inside | |
27 Auricles absent or smaller, less than 1/4 length of calyx tube; lower lip of corolla mostly glabrous on the inside. | |
28 Stems usually densely pubescent throughout (also within inflorescence) with short or long hairs, but occasionally sparsely pubescent to almost glabrous; calyx lobes lanceolate and mostly erect, typically not flexuous or widely spreading; margins of calyx lobes often ciliate, occasionally smooth; calyx tube densely hirsute, sparsely hirsute to glabrous; auricles present or absent; corolla often pubescent on the outside, rarely glabrous. | |
29 Stems puberulent to pubescent with short hairs; flowers many, spaced ca. 1 cm apart; calyx lobes narrowly triangular-lanceolate, not pilose at the base; [widespread in our area] | |
28 Stems sparsely pubescent to glabrous, usually more hairy at the base and mostly glabrous within inflorescence (with only a few scattered hairs); calyx lobes linear or lanceolate and often spreading or flexuous (especially the tip, which are sometimes twisted); margins of calyx lobes glabrous (lacking cilia); calyx tube smooth to warty in texture, rarely sparsely hirsute; auricles absent to almost obsolete; corolla mostly glabrous on the outside. | |
30 Some calyx segments usually with slender, flexuous teeth (a few lobes occasionally not toothed or only remotely toothed near base, so check several flowers); leaves usually thick with a parchmentlike texture and often with a bluish to gray-green sheen when dried (typically strongly glaucous underneath); uppermost leaves distinctly sender-toothed with callus or gland-tipped teeth | |
31 Leaves usually thin and flexuous; leaf edges thin, not thickened; leaf shape elliptic, ovate or broadly lanceolate, mostly 1.5−4.5 cm broad; leaf margins toothed, shallowly crenate or almost entire; leaf apex rounded, obtuse or short acute; flowers loosely arranged; anther tube 2.5−3.5 mm; filament tube 5−7 mm long; [Mountains and Piedmont, rarely adjacent Coastal Plain] | |
31 Leaves thick and stiff; leaf edges with an obvious thickened lip; leaf shape lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, usually less than 2.5 cm broad; leaf margins often distinctly toothed; leaf apex usually long-acute to acuminate; flowers usually densely arranged; anther tube close to 4 mm long; filament tube 8−11 mm long; [Atlantic Coastal Plain, rarely adjacent Piedmont] |