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Key to Nymphaeaceae

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1 Flowers nearly spherical, 2-5 cm in diameter; sepals 6 (in our species), petaloid, green to yellow, incurved; petals many, inconspicuous, scalelike or staminodial; leaves often of 2 types, the submersed leaves (when present) thinner in texture than the floating or emersed leaves; floating or emersed leaves having 60-90% of their surface area with vasculature derived from the midrib; rhizome with triangular or winged leaf scars; [subfamily Nupharoideae]
1 Flowers hemispheric, 4-20 cm across; sepals 4, greenish, inconspicuous; petals spreading and ascending, white or yellow, showy; leaves of 1 type, floating; floating leaves having 25-40 % of their surface area with vasculature derived from the midrib; rhizome with circular leaf scars; [subfamily Nymphaeoideae]
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