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Arundinariagigantea (Walter) Muhlenberg. Giant Cane, River Cane. Phen: Apr-Jul. Hab: Bottomland and riparian forests, lower slopes and bluffs along streams, seeps, stream banks, and extending into less mesic and even dry settings on circumneutral or alkaline soils over limestone or dolomite, or in loess deposits along the Mississippi River. Dist: S. OH south to FL and e. TX.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: There has been much disagreement over the recognition of one, two, or several taxa of cane in the Southeastern United States. This species reaches heights of 6-7 (-10) m and is supposed to flower only once every 40-50 years. A. macrosperma Michaux is controversial; it has sometimes been considered to be a synonym of A. gigantea or to represent hybridization or introgression between A. gigantea and A. tecta.
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