Intro: Erect to reclining, tufted perennial of rich moist forests, creek banks, somewhat dry woodlands and forests, bottomlands.
Stems: Stems weak, slender, simple or with forking branches, usually densely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, petiolate, 1-5 in. long (and almost as wide), divided into 3 oval or diamond-shaped lobes/leaflets, with at least the terminal one stalked; lobes/leaflets are further lobed or at least toothed.
Flowers: Flowers solitary on long, hairy, leafless stalks from upper leaf axils; bright yellow; 3/4-1 1/4 in. wide; consisting o 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 yellowish to light green spreading sepals that are shorter than the petals and visible between them, and a center of many yellow stamens plus a green, compound ovary; bases of the petals are green-streaked.
Fruits: Fruit an oblong cluster of flattened, teardrop-shaped, beaked achenes.
Height: 1-2 ft.
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description: Erect to reclining, tufted perennial of rich moist forests, creek banks, somewhat dry woodlands and forests, bottomlands.
stems: Stems weak, slender, simple or with forking branches, usually densely hairy.
leaves: Leaves basal and alternate on the stem, petiolate, 1-5 in. long (and almost as wide), divided into 3 oval or diamond-shaped lobes/leaflets, with at least the terminal one stalked; lobes/leaflets are further lobed or at least toothed.
flowers: Flowers solitary on long, hairy, leafless stalks from upper leaf axils; bright yellow; 3/4-1 1/4 in. wide; consisting o 5 oblong-oval petals, 5 yellowish to light green spreading sepals that are shorter than the petals and visible between them, and a center of many yellow stamens plus a green, compound ovary; bases of the petals are green-streaked.
fruits: Fruit an oblong cluster of flattened, teardrop-shaped, beaked achenes.
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