Intro: An erect perennial found in seepages, shaded outcrops in moist to dryish forests and shell-marl ravines.
Stems: Stems unbranched, smooth, pale or purplish-green, with a waxy coating.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; long-petiolate; divided into 3 leaflets, which are again divided into 3-5 leaflets. The ultimate leaflets are round to kidney-shaped, round-lobed, drooping at flowering, pale to purplish green and smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in terminal and axillary panicles, male and female flowers on separate plants. Flowers about ¼ in. wide, male flowers with straw-colored to purple sepals and dangling yellowish-green stamens, and female flowers with greenish-purple sepals and spreading, slender, purple stigmas.
Fruits: Fruit a cluster of 3-8 hook-beaked, ellipsoid achenes.
Height: 12-30 in.
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description: An erect perennial found in seepages, shaded outcrops in moist to dryish forests and shell-marl ravines.
stems: Stems unbranched, smooth, pale or purplish-green, with a waxy coating.
leaves: Leaves alternate; long-petiolate; divided into 3 leaflets, which are again divided into 3-5 leaflets. The ultimate leaflets are round to kidney-shaped, round-lobed, drooping at flowering, pale to purplish green and smooth.
flowers: Flowers in terminal and axillary panicles, male and female flowers on separate plants. Flowers about ¼ in. wide, male flowers with straw-colored to purple sepals and dangling yellowish-green stamens, and female flowers with greenish-purple sepals and spreading, slender, purple stigmas.
fruits: Fruit a cluster of 3-8 hook-beaked, ellipsoid achenes.
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