Intro: Emergent or floating aquatic perennial found in ponds, natural lakes, sluggish streams and freshwater tidal marshes.
Stems: Flowers and leaves on separate stalks emerging from thick rhizomes rooted in mud.
Leaves: Leaves usually above water, round with a depressed center where the petiole attaches below, 12-28 in. wide, with a waxy coating that repels water.
Flowers: Flowers solitary on stiff, individual stalks raised above leaves and water, pale yellow, 8-12 in. wide, consisting of numerous erect, oval to spoon-shaped tepals spirally arranged around the numerous stamens and a central receptacle that resembles a shower head.
Fruits: Fruit an oval, nut-like seed found in the cavities of the enlarged receptacle.
Height: to 3 ft. above water surface
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description: Emergent or floating aquatic perennial found in ponds, natural lakes, sluggish streams and freshwater tidal marshes.
stems: Flowers and leaves on separate stalks emerging from thick rhizomes rooted in mud.
leaves: Leaves usually above water, round with a depressed center where the petiole attaches below, 12-28 in. wide, with a waxy coating that repels water.
flowers: Flowers solitary on stiff, individual stalks raised above leaves and water, pale yellow, 8-12 in. wide, consisting of numerous erect, oval to spoon-shaped tepals spirally arranged around the numerous stamens and a central receptacle that resembles a shower head.
fruits: Fruit an oval, nut-like seed found in the cavities of the enlarged receptacle.
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native range: eastern North America & Mexico