Intro: Vining annual of moist forests and thickets on floodplains and in disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems light green, angled, hairy and climbing over other plants with branched tendrils.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, nearly round in outline but palmately 3- to 5-lobed, to 8 in. long and wide, finely toothed, rough-hairy above.
Flowers: Female and male flowers separate: female in round, densely flowered clusters on short stalks, male in few-flowered, long-stalked clusters. Flowers greenish-white, about 1/3 in. wide, with 5 spreading, pointed lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a yellowish, oval berry covered in sharp bristles and grouped in round, compact clusters.
Height: to 25 ft. long
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bloom table text:
description: Vining annual of moist forests and thickets on floodplains and in disturbed areas.
stems: Stems light green, angled, hairy and climbing over other plants with branched tendrils.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, nearly round in outline but palmately 3- to 5-lobed, to 8 in. long and wide, finely toothed, rough-hairy above.
flowers: Female and male flowers separate: female in round, densely flowered clusters on short stalks, male in few-flowered, long-stalked clusters. Flowers greenish-white, about 1/3 in. wide, with 5 spreading, pointed lobes.
fruits: Fruit a yellowish, oval berry covered in sharp bristles and grouped in round, compact clusters.
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