Intro: Erect-ascending (occasionally mat-forming) annual/short-lived perennial of disturbed areas; also found in a variety of natural habitats, including moist upland forests and floodplain forests.
Stems: Stems simple or branched from base; covered with sparse to dense, spreading and often closely pressed hairs.
Leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate (hairy); divided into 3 clover-like, heart-shaped leaflets about 1/2 in. long each and often folded lengthwise along the midvein; nearly smooth above and smooth or slightly hairy beneath.
Flowers: Flowers in stalked, branching clusters of 3-15 from leaf axils and as tall as or slightly above leaves; yellow; about 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, oblong-lance-shaped petals, 5 sepals and 10 stamens.
Fruits: Fruit an erect, 5-sided cylindric capsule with sharp tip.
Height: 6-20 in.
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description: Erect-ascending (occasionally mat-forming) annual/short-lived perennial of disturbed areas; also found in a variety of natural habitats, including moist upland forests and floodplain forests.
stems: Stems simple or branched from base; covered with sparse to dense, spreading and often closely pressed hairs.
leaves: Leaves alternate; petiolate (hairy); divided into 3 clover-like, heart-shaped leaflets about 1/2 in. long each and often folded lengthwise along the midvein; nearly smooth above and smooth or slightly hairy beneath.
flowers: Flowers in stalked, branching clusters of 3-15 from leaf axils and as tall as or slightly above leaves; yellow; about 1/2 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, oblong-lance-shaped petals, 5 sepals and 10 stamens.
fruits: Fruit an erect, 5-sided cylindric capsule with sharp tip.
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