Intro: Erect annual of fields, roadsides and other open, disturbed habitats; often in barren, compacted soil.
Stems: Stems stout, somewhat branched above, white or tawny colored and densely soft-woolly.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, narrowly triangular to lance-shaped, densely soft-woolly and often loosely folded lengthwise into a boat-shape.
Flowers: Flowers in separate male and female clusters at stem ends and from upper leaf axils, small and whitish-woolly; male flowers in short, dense spikes and consisting of 5 sepals, 5 petals and 10-15 stamens; female flowers in head-like clusters below the male spikes and composed of 6-12 sepals (petals absent) and 3 divided styles.
Comments: Native to the south-central states; may be naturalized in the eastern states.
Height: to 6 ft.
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description: Erect annual of fields, roadsides and other open, disturbed habitats; often in barren, compacted soil.
stems: Stems stout, somewhat branched above, white or tawny colored and densely soft-woolly.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, narrowly triangular to lance-shaped, densely soft-woolly and often loosely folded lengthwise into a boat-shape.
flowers: Flowers in separate male and female clusters at stem ends and from upper leaf axils, small and whitish-woolly; male flowers in short, dense spikes and consisting of 5 sepals, 5 petals and 10-15 stamens; female flowers in head-like clusters below the male spikes and composed of 6-12 sepals (petals absent) and 3 divided styles.
comments: Native to the south-central states; may be naturalized in the eastern states.
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